Viola wallichiana Ging., Prodr. 1: 300 1824. (syn: Viola reniformis Wall.; Viola wallichiana subsp. brevicornis W.Becker ex Limpricht);

C-Nepal to Bhutan, India (West Bengal), Sikkim, Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;

Common name: Trailing Violet

Keys as per Flora of China :

9 (7) Spur short, 1-2.5 mm.   87 V. biflora
+ Spur longer, 4-6 mm   (10)
10 (9) Stem filiform; leaf blade basally deeply cordate.   88 V. tenuissima
+ Stem slender; leaf blade basally shallowly cordate.   89 V. wallichiana



Viola wallichiana from Sikkim :  2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Viola wallichiana photographed on the way to Tsomgo lake, Sikkim.
The long narrow spur distinguishes it from Viola biflora.