Galium acutum var. himalayense (Klotzsch & Garcke) R.R.Mill, Edinburgh J. Bot. 53: 195 1996. (syn: Galium himalayense Klotzsch & Garcke);
W. & C. Himalaya to Tibet as per WCSP;
China South-Central; Nepal; Tibet; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;


Seen this Mat forming herb with very tiny white coloured flowers near “Vasundhara falls”.
Bot. name: Galium acutum
Family: Rubiaceae
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 11:30AM
Habitat: Wild.

Was very common in Chakrata area last year.

Looks different from other images at Galium acutum

It does look like Galium acutum var. acutum. Diagnostic feature being style exerted.

Thanks a lot, … Pl. have a look at images at Galium acutum
Posted images look different from these.

Oh, yes! Indeed the Kalatop photos are more closer to var. acutum. This could be var himalayense. Styles are very short in these pictures. Similar picture is given by Dr. Keshava Murthy in his Flowers of the Valley of Flowers.

Yes, I don’t have adequate literature on this either. Happy to share the picture of a beautiful Galium from Surru Valley. Galium boreale. 


Id confirmation Galium acutum:
Kindly check the picture in the attachment, it seems like Galium acutum for me.
Captured – Badrinath UK
Alt. 3700m asl.

This is Galium acutum var. himalayense (Klotzsch & Garcke) R.R.Mill, as per images and details herein.