Huperzia phyllantha

Phlegmariurus phyllanthus (Hook. & Arn.) Dixit, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77(3): 541 1980. (syn: Huperzia macrostachys (Spring) Holub; Huperzia phyllantha (Hook. & Arn.) Holub; Huperzia phyllantha (Hook. & Arn.) Panigrahi; Lycopodium macrostachys Spring; Lycopodium pachystachyon Spring; Lycopodium pachystachyum var. phyllanthum (Hook. & Arn.) Hillebr.; Lycopodium phyllanthum Hook. & Arn.; Phlegmariurus macrostachys (Hook. ex Spring) N.C.Nair & S.R.Ghosh; Urostachys macrostachys (Spring) Herter ex Nessel; Urostachys pachystachyon (Spring) Herter ex Nessel; Urostachys pachystachyon (Spring) Rothm.; Urostachys phyllanthum (Hook. & Arn.) Herter);
S. India to Pacific: Andaman Is., Borneo, Caroline Is., Fiji, Hawaii, India, Malaya, New Caledonia, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu as per POWO (Huperzia phyllantha (Hook. & Arn.) Holub);
India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Nicobar Isl., Andaman Isl., Sri Lanka, peninsular Malaysia (Penang, Kelantan, Perak, Negeri Sembilan), +Singapore, Borneo (Mt. Kinabalu, etc.), Philippines, Hawaii (Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Lanai, Hawaii Isl.), Fiji (Viti Levu), Micronesia (Pohnpei), New Caledonia, Western Samoa (Savaii) as per Catalogue of Life;


Epiphytic Lycopodium SN14420 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 mb.
Lycopodium macrostachys wild from westerghats, Tamilnadu.

It hasn’t been in the old catch-all genus, Lycopodium, for many decades now! The name is either Huperzia phyllantha or Phlegmariurus phyllanthus, according to your choice.  Must be using a very old book! 



POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal  ferns of the world  pteridoportal  Fauna and Flora of New Caledonia  sernecportal  National Museum of Natural History

Updated on December 24, 2024

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