Thelypteris ochthodes (Kunze) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 6: 300 (1936) as per POWO; . Pseudocyclosorus ochthodes (Kunze) Holttum, Companion Beddome’s Handb. Ferns Brit. India 204 1974. (syn: Aspidium glanduliferum Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Aspidium ochthodes Kunze; Christella ochthodes (Kunze) Lév.; Cyclosorus griseus (Baker) Panigrahi; Dryopteris grisea (Bak.) O.Kuntze; Dryopteris ochthodes (Kunze) C.Chr.; Dryopteris punctata O.Kuntze (ambiguous synonym); Lastrea grisea (Bak.) Bedd.; Lastrea ochthodes (Kunze) Moore; Lastrea tylodes Bedd. (ambiguous synonym); Nephrodium griseum Bak.; Nephrodium ochthodes (Kunze) Hook.; Nephrodium punctatum Bak. (ambiguous synonym); Nephrodium tylodes Bak. (ambiguous synonym); Polypodium marginale Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Pseudocyclosorus griseus (Bak.) Holtt. & J.W.Grimes; Pseudocyclosorus ochthodes var. annamalayensis Manickam & V.Irudayaraj; Pseudocyclosorus ochthodes var. painiensis Manickam & V.Irudayaraj; Thelypteris grisea (Bak.) Ching; Thelypteris ochthodes (Kunze) Ching); India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Nicobar Isl., Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Malacca) as per Catalogue of Life; . Terrestrial herbs. Rhizome short creeping or suberect, rarely erect, up to 6 cm thick; scales broadly ovate, about 4 x 5 mm, uniformly pale brown, apex acuminate, margin entire or with few small elongate outgrowths. Stipes up to 105 x 1 cm, dark brown, sparsely scaly at base, grey brown or purple-brown, glabrous above, rounded below, grooved above, three or four pairs of 2-3 mm long, dark brown aerophores present along each side of the stipe. Lamina ovate or lanceolate, 100-110 x 30-40 cm, terminating with a pinna having larger lobes at the basal part, acuminate, pinnae up to 35 pairs, sessile, subopposite or alternate, about 10 pairs of basal pinnae abruptly reduced to tubecles, pinnae in the distal part of the lamina progressively reduced; rachis tetragonal, grooved on each side, except the lower side; largest pinna 15-20 x 1-1.5 cm, linear lanceolate, apex acuminate, base truncate or subtruncate, margin lobed 1 – 1.5 cm to the costa; lobes oblong, apex acute or rounded, entire; costa distinctly raised, rounded below; pinnae dark green above, pale green below; texture subcoriaceous; densely hairy, hairs long, soft, sender, pale brown acicular, margin of the lobes bears few short, stiff acicular hairs. Sori supra-median on each vein, except few pairs of distal part of the lobe, yellowish-green; indusia with few acicular hairs; spores up to 30 x 22 um, yellowish-green, exine densely, coarsely tuberculate. Pseudocyclosorus ochthodes (Kze.) Holtt SN25420 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 mb. Yes, alternatively Thelypteris ochthodes – the semi-erect, thick rhizome is a useful diagnostic character, plus the pinnae decreasing towards the base of the frond. But proff comes from a close-up of the underneath of a pinna to show the free veins and hairs on the costae.
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Thelypteris ochthodes
Updated on December 24, 2024