

ID: Fungus from Guwahati: This fungus grows on the base of the cutting trunk of Cocos nucifera at my residence.Please Id for this fungus.
Location : Guwahati( Kamrup), Assam
Date of collection :15/04/2011

It is member of Polyporaceae, common on decaying wood /logs, even on trees some times.

it is very difficult to identify fungis when you can’t see them from all sides.
But …, if it is in your Garden, perhaps you can make Fotos from underside of it, tell us, if it is hard or soft.
Anyway, I feel it could be the (Zunderschwamm) Tinder Fungus Fomes fomentarius. not edible, as most of the fungi growing on treetrunks, but used in firemaking as tinder, also has medicinal uses. “Ötzi the iceman” was carrying pieces of Zunderschwamm with him, not sure, if to make fire or as a travelmedicin.

Looks like Ganoderma sp.

Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. ?

Something from Ganodermataceae, Ganoderma. Ganoderma is pink spored while Fomes is white spored and they differ in overall morphology as well.