Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014 as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera;

Pepper like creeper : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7) – around 800 kb each.
Please find attached creeper pictures.
Location: Matheran, Maharashtra, Western Ghats
Date: Mid December 2018
This creeper seems to growing to very shady places.
Fruit size is near about pea fruit.
Not sure, but seems some pepper species.
Seems no one eat fruit and leaves. Leaves and fruits were intact.

Piper galeatum

it could be. the leaves are not as “slender” as in the case we have… its … case

(the case we have is also  in FOI page and Prashant had sent his case to Indian Institute of Spices Research”
in your case measurements would help but i cant refute the ID given by … AND there is a new piper discovered and discribed
see this paper
A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Pipersection Mulder Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution August 2014, Volume 61, Issue 6, pp 1057–1063
its leaves and fruits and Location of your vine seem congruent to this paper’s vines.
see what you find

Thank you so much …
Trying to match with the picture which i have, with the data shared from your side. So could not get to any conclusion yet as i do not have good and clear pictures of fruits than these.

I guess there are other option too . New sp. not known to lay person.

Looks like Piper galeatum to me too.

Thank you very much …
Seems veination (5 clear vein in my pics) and shape of leaves are different than https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m—z/p/piperaceae/piper/piper-galeatum.
And i do not have clear picture of fruits to match. If we ignore about leaves, again not much sure about fruits as receptacle not matching with my images when compared with the documents by Ushadi and by https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m—z/p/piperaceae/piper/piper-galeatum.
This species is spread in few places in Matheran.
As you are having good study of Matheran forest, so accepting it as Piper galeatum.

When … says something, I find she is usually correct. so we go with her unless someone who is working on piperaceae  extensively comes up with an alternative idea or research. I love to keep an open mind…

Yes …

Can it be Piper galeatum as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014 and as per GBIF?

Difficult to say as the young female inflorescence is not clear.
Doesnt look like P. trichostachyon as the plants are glabrous. It looks like P. dravidii only.

May I request you to pl. post the original image of 2nd one, to examine the inflorescence.


ID request-02022011-PKA1:
I had seen this Climber in forest cover near  Shigekeri, North Karnataka.

Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 04:30PM
Location: Shigekeri, North Karnataka
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Climber.

– I wrote to “Indian Institute of Spices Research” and got the response stating that  “This is another wild pepper- Piper galeatum. It is very common in high range areas like Sringeri, Sirsi etc. Thogh the berries are bold it will have very lesspiperine content and cannot exploit for commercial purpose

Can it be Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014

You are correct

Thanks a lot … Some times one really feel happy that the plants which we see in the wild is described as new species at later date.

Yes, … So many plants observed here, has been reported as new species subsequently.

Male and female flowers of Piper trichostachyon (Miq.) C. DC. of Piperaceae family. @

Sorry that I didn’t mention the place and time of the picture. This species was collected from the mid elevations (300-800m) of Kudremukh National Park while doing my PhD field work in 2006. Sorry, I don’t remember the month, I will get the date from field notes and will share the same.
These two picture were among my first few snaps when I got my first digital camera.

nice pics… its easy to get the dates etc on FLickr… just above your picture is a button called more action….
open m ore action, then click on  EXIF  data… I did this for you for the first picture…. copy pasted what is between the stars…. your first picture was    ***Taken on   February 17, 2007 at 1.45pm IST  *** and  *** Posted to Flickr       October 22, 2008 at 11.32PM PDT ***
Alternately, in your picture files in My documents or wherever you file your pictures… right click, get the properties and you’ll get the dates taken, and dates you transferred to the hard drive or the storage devise…
no need to hunt for field note…  in hundreds of notebooks its difficult… ask me…. unless one files them by the dates… and always keeps them in pristine sequence….
THIS IS WHY I think Digital photography is all that its cracked up to be….

Thanks .. for the information and timely help. I had to search for the picture among my back ups (which is too large) and I didnt know that we get the information from already uploaded pictures.

When ever I show this picture while taking classes/talk to students I use to ask “can you guess what it is” So far I haven’t got the right answer! When I reply that this is a flower. I could feel the doubt in their mind then when
I explain about different flowers (with the aid of pictures), I could feel that they are in a magical world. Their picture on flowers gets diversified from Rosa (and few others depending upon individuals) to endless colors and

Can it also be Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014 ?

P. dravidii only, next email as well

Would this plant be Piper nigrum ? Confirm OR ID please.
Place: near Panorama Point, Matheran.
Date: 08 DEC 09

It is indeed Piper nigrum.

it looks me different

any hint please what else ? It will help to re-consider.

I guess Piper galeatum (Miq.) C. DC.

It may be Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014.
May I request you to pl. post the original image of 3rd one, to examine the inflorescence.

P. dravidii only


Many many thanks … I always thought the posted plant was Piper nigrum.

Thanks very much for validating and correcting the ID to Piper dravidii.
…, please find attached the requested picture (original).
Attachments (1) – 1 mb.

Thank you very much … for the white paper.
While going through this paper, a note says: Piper dravidii is a climber that grows on the edges of high altitude lateritic plateaus.
Today’s post of mine that got validated as Piper dravidii, is plant that I sighted in Matheran, an evergreen forest. I hope the habitat is not conflicting with the ID.

Thanks, … It may be that it was initial found there as in the paper, but later seen at many other places in different habitats.
Pl. see more observations at Piper dravidii

Piper dravidii was initially described from plateau edges.
Later on we had found the species growing in evergreen forests of Karnataka.
I think species have a right to vary in their form and habitat.

Dear members: (mixed thread). 2 correct images as above.
Requesting to id this creeper ?? taken at matheran on 12/11/2012

… species of Piper; could be Piper nigrum (family: Piperaceae). Eager to get the ID validated.

Looks like Piper trichostachyon, but get another opinion.

Can it be P. relictum as per A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014 Manoj M. Lekhak, Sharad Kambale, Shrirang Yadav ?

Piper dravidii. Just sent images to one of the author he confirmed saying it is Piper dravidii


Plz id this plant: pa44 – 22nov2012:
Plz id this short plant of around 2 foot only from Matheran region, I saw it very growing very commonly.
I did not see any flower or fruit. Tks.

… some species of Piper (family Piperaceae).

May be Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav as per images and details herein.

Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Climber for ID :: ARK2019-93 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
This climber was seen in the deep forest in the Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
Requested to please provide ID.

Smilax may be ??

I do not see any tendrils. Another possibility is Urticaceae?

It’s Piper species only,

Thanks … It would be good to have species level info, if possible. Let us wait for further feedback.

May be Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav as per images and details herein.


Piper galeatum in FOI : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Images of Piper galeatum in FOI of … should be of Piper dravidii as per images and details herein.
Pl. also see ID request-02022011-PKA1
Pl. correct.

Great early catch by … and nice identification by …


Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav :: Matheran :: May 22, 2023 · 9:55 AM IST: 2 images.
Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav
Matheran, Raigad, Maharashtra :: May 22, 2023 · 9:55 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 feet) asl


Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale & S.R.Yadav :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV254: 2 images.
Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale & S.R.Yadav
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 9:27 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl


A new Piper from the northern Western Ghats and notes on economic potential of Piper section Muldera : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(6) May 2014 (Abstract- Piper dravidii Lekhak, Kambale et S. R. Yadav, a new species from northern Western Ghats is described and illustrated. The names Muldera galeata Miq. [Piper galeatum (Miq.) C. DC.] and M. trichostachya Miq. [Piper trichostachyon (Miq.) C. DC.] are lectotypified. A key for the species of Piper section Muldera Miq. in India has also been provided to facilitate identification. In addition, the significance of species of Piper section Muldera as a candidate in breeding programs of P. nigrum is also discussed)