Cordia species- Maharashtra (?)



third species of cordia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
orange colour fruits. non leathery leaves, pubescent 

Not a sp. of Cordia. This is Gmelina arborea Roxb.  

Looks different from fruiting images at Gmelina arborea

Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Cordia
Thought of Diospyros, but could not find a match as per comparative images herein, for the species available so far in efi site.

It is Cordia only

Yes, it is Cordia only; am also agree with … Check it once C. macleodii.  

Thanks, …, Appears close as per Cordia macleodii
But I am not sure.

it is Cordia gharaf; leaf base acute to rounded, margin entire to shallowly crenate, fruit calyx recurved, 

Cordia gharaf is a syn. of Cordia sinensis (CoL and POWO) and leaves and fruits both look different as per images and details herein.

Also I could not find a similar specimen in GBIF.

Yes, I too think its C. macleodii

thank you, fruiting calyx different from our specimen

To me it looks like Cordia monoica

leaf and fruiting calyx are quite different from C.monoica

Updated on December 24, 2024

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