efloraofIndia in wiienvis.nic.in

efloraofIndia in wiienvis.nic.in : 12 posts by 4 authors.
I just accidentally found this site of ENVIS Centre on Wildlife & Protected Areas, hosted by WII, giving link of Indian & Global Species Databases mentioning efloraofindia at no. 2.

Good! Our forum is having that much value …

Yes. … I am aware of this. I regularly receive News letters and a monthly calendar !

Very nice to see priority of our site in the mainstream forum!

It is quite encouraging recognition to eFI, and it is bound to come. More responsibilities now on our shoulders to present our information accurately and scientifically.

Yes …, Very nice to see this, I had noted it when I was preparing my presentation for the BSI Conference..

And this recognition, as said by …, is well deserved..
eFI will march ahead, with all the efforts you and the experts are putting in..

Very heartening, …

Yes …, our database is slowly getting recognition worldwide. There is a paragraph on efloraofindia in my International Book which is widely cited in various Research publications. This will surely help in increasing in popularity.  

That is really great. 

Really great …

really great.

great …, the fruits of the group begin to appear, hoping for more yield;