Fruit for Id – ID07082020SH1 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb.
Going through some old, unidentified photos in this Lockdown period.
Fruit for Id. Unfortunately I have only one Image
Location – Mishmi Hills (Arunachal Pradesh)
Date – February 2015

In such a case it is better to post the original image or by reducing it to say 6 to 7 mb, in case it is more than 7 mb (as google does not allow size more than that).

Attaching One more Image.
Attachments (1)- 1.4 mb. 

I guess only the expert on this particular sp. can ID this according to the status of the image!

I have seen such a phenomenon in USA during my visit and reminds me of Ilex decidua.

Yes, Ilex excelsa (Wall.) Hook. fil. is one possibility.