Phoebe cathia (D. Don) Kosterm., Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 25(3–4): 44 1974. (syn: Cinnamomum cathia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don; Cinnamomum tomentosum D. Don; Laurus cathia (D. Don) Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.; Laurus paniculata Wall.; Ocotea pubescens Nees; Persea cathia (D. Don) Spreng.; Persea tomentosa (D. Don) Spreng.; Phoebe cathia (D. Don) K. N. Gandhi; Phoebe paniculata (Nees) Nees; Phoebe pubescens (Nees) Nees);
East Himalaya, Bangladesh and Laos as per POWO;
Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Ayeyarwady, Bago, Chin, Mandalay, Sagaing, Yangon), Nepal, NE-India, Laos, Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;


ID008_tree_bk008 : 30 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 798 kb.

Help Post to ID attached tree photo
  • Date: Last week of July, 2019
  • Elevation: 1400 masl
  • Habit: Wild
  • Location: Bagmati Province, Central Nepal
  • Stage of Tree: early flowering stage
  • Flower: small yellow
Thank you in Advance…

Could it be close to Avaocado members… looks alike.. leaf..

May be Alseodaphne sp.

Only possibility could be Alseodaphne himalayana Kosterm. but images not available in net for comparison. Other possibility could be Alseodaphne semecarpifolia Nees but no distribution in Nepal.

Pl. check Machilus odoratissima Nees as per comparative images and details at Machilus

Thank You …!! for recommendation. But leaf morphology looks closer to Alseodaphne sp.
Need to check it further ..

Pl. run through keys in Online Flora of Nepal.

Since there are no Alseodaphne species listed I think it appears close to Phoebe sp. going by the leaves.

Alseodaphne himalayana Kosterm has mention as endemic to Nepal in POWO and CoL.
Please check with the KATH.

What is this ‘KATH.’?
I could not find any details of Alseodaphne himalayana Kosterm on the net including GBIF.

Pl. check keys at Online Flora of Nepal.

I was telling about KATH to … It is a short form for National Herbarium of Nepal.

The image is of Phoebe sp., check the species found in Nepal. Flowers are not very clear so difficult to identify at species level. Allied to Indian species Phoebe wightii Meisn.

Phoebe hainesiana Brandis ??

Looks more close to Phoebe sp but not sure about species.

On checking with herbarium specimens in GBIF of all species reported in Checklist of Nepal, I found it to be close to Phoebe cathia (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Kosterm. as per GBIFSpecimen 1 & Specimen 2
Looks different from Phoebe pallida (Nees) Nees as per GBIFSpecimen
Looks different from Phoebe hainesiana Brandis as per GBIFSpecimen
Looks different from Phoebe attenuata (Nees) Nees as per GBIFSpecimen
Looks different from Phoebe lanceolata (Nees) Nees as per FoC illustration



Tree ID : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 797 kb.

Help Post to ID attached tree photo
  • Date: Late week of July, 2019
  • Elevation: 1400 masl
  • Habit: Wild
  • Location: Bagmati Province, Central Nepal
  • Stage of Tree: Fruiting late stage
  • Fruit: oblong or ellipsoid, seated on flat discoid perianth tube
Thank you in Advance…

Seems to lauraceae members

Yes, My guess is also that… could it be Actinodaphne sp…

Ok, I will check.

Is it closer to Actinodaphne sp of Litsea sp ??
Tree height is about 10 -20 m with wide branchings …
Fruit drupes one seeded, globose or elliptic

To me appears to be the same species as in your post: ID008_tree_bk008


Phoebe cathia:
While going through the images of Lauraceae in the eFI website, I found two images under the genus Phoebe. One of them (as attached herewith) represents Phoebe cathia. The reason of this conclusion is that the leaves are matching with P. cathia and the generic identity is revealed by the persistent tepals clasping the base of the immature fruits. I am not sure of the identity of the other flowering specimen at present.