

MS Aug., 2920/03 Henckelia sp. for id : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb. 

Location: E.Lungdar, Mizoram

Date : 26-08-2020
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Henckelia pumila !

Thanks, …
But calyx does not look hairy as in Henckelia pumila (D.Don) A.Dietr.
Hi, …,
What are the species reported in your area ?
Do you have any other images ?



Henckelia is not recorded.

Attachments (1)  

Henckelia is new name for Chirita sp.

What are the members reported from Gesneriaceae.

Chirita hamosa, C.macrophylla, C.oblongifolia and C.pumila are recorded in Mizoram

Pl. post better images clearly showing the calyx.
Nearest out of the four mentioned by you, I can find is Henckelia grandifolia A.Dietr. as per GBIFSpecimen and POWO  and Plant illustrations

Sorry !! Not available sir

And this one kept in another thread but within the same species is also not H.grandifolia.