Synotis acuminata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen, Kew Bull. 39(2): 332 (1984): 332 1984. (syn: Senecio acuminatus Wall.);
India (C- & E-Himalaya, NE-India, Darjeeling), Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, Chumbi, Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;

SK 2848 14 November 2020 : 8 very high resolution images.

Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 2300m.
Habitat  : Wild

Pl. check with Synotis acuminata (Flora of China details) as per FoC illustration

I guess it is matching.
I have suggested same ID for my earlier posts from Chandragiri also.
Please have a look !


SK1663 21 Dec 2018 : 7 posts by 2 authors. 7 high res. images.
Location : Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation : 2350 m.
Date : 12 December 2018
Habit : Wild
Asteraceae ??

Viburnum by any chance?

I checked. I don’t think it could be viburnum fir such a small plant. I guess it is indicating towards some Asteraceae.


Yes it’s Asteraceae member only …, Check with Vernonia,

Agree with …! Vernonia
But could not trace characters in this matured photos.

I could not find a match with existing species at Vernonieae as per comparative images herein.

Solidago virgaurea L. ??

I do not think it matches with Solidago virgaurea

Leaf pattern and margin from efi looks like matching.

Flowers are different.

I guess you are right …

Synotis acuminata ??

I think yes.

Yes Looks close to Synotis acuminata (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen as per photo.

SK994 22 FEB-2018 : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 600 kb each.
Location: Chandragiri, Nepal  
Date: 19 September 2016
Altitude: 8200 ft.
Habit : Wild

Does not match with images at Senecioneae

Some Solidago from Asteraceae?

Solidago virga-aurea L.  ??

Looks different from images at

Matched with your guess, …

I do not think it matches with images at Solidago virgaurea L.

Synotis acuminata ?? 

I think yes.
