efloraofindia site completes 10 years : 6 posts by 5 authors.

It is a matter of joy that efloraofindia (eFI in short) website is completing 10 years on 1.11.20 (although our journey began much earlier on 17.6.2007 in the form of of efloraofindia google e-group, which still remains our backbone). Today, efloraofindia is an extremely popular website with more than 3200 members and more than 1,00,500 visits per month. It is one of the biggest non-commercial citizen science efforts not only in India, but the world. Currently we have a huge database of around 14,000 species under 2,834 genera, 258 families of seed plants along with numerous species of ferns and fungi, showcased by more than 3,00,000 unique photographs. More than 80% of genera and family pages are already having comparative images, providing easy identification. Numerous species have been posted here (just to show a few examples), before these were described as new to science. No other site in the world has come up with such a large database and facility of comparative images as provided in efloraofindia. It is the result of a movement of tens of thousands of people from diverse backgrounds and from every nook and corner of the country, including top class experts from India and outside, coming together. It shows what can be achieved even without a single penny being spent or any one even physically meeting.

All of you can help us further in this effort by sending your images (particularly of rare plants and those which are yet not represented in our site) to or and help us with correct identifications, if you find any mistakes.

Despite many hurdles and technical problems in developing, designing, maintaining, refining and updating eFI website, our commitment to serve nature and the nation has never diminished, but only growing with each impediment.

Our sincere thanks to Outstanding ContributorsThe PillarsSubject ExpertsModeratorsMajor contributors, members (and those who have contributed but not mentioned here), who are rendering selfless service to the group & made this endeavour possible for the benefit of everyone. 

Missed including posters. Attaching here.

It is a matter of great pleasure and pride  to all of us. Thank you all members and specially to …!

Congratulations to all! A very useful venture indeed!

My hearty congrats to … Your selfless working is serving the students, teachers, researchers and society. I wish you long life

The Passion and dedication of people like you made it a great site.

Thank you … Happy to see the outcome of the group. I will post it in Trees of India Facebook group.

Congratulations to entire team for completing 10 years of successful journey….

… i have posted it on our efloraofindia Instagram page as a post & story aswell moreover i have also shared it as a story on my personnel profile and on my IG Insects_of_himalaya page.

Here’s the link of efloraofindia IG post
Moreover we are about to reach 400 followers on IG (in five months) although this number is still 1/3rd compared to our Fb page still we are receiving good number of likes on our IG page posts. I was unable to post regularly in past because of several issues but from now i will post on more regular basis, hopefully we will reach 1K by 2021.

Heartiest Congratulations, … and All the team members. It is a great achievement to the nation especially the botanical community.

Kudos to your efforts, Sir.
Shared this achievement with the Alumni of Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Kudos …, for the untiring efforts of shaping up efloraofinfia, all through these years.
Thanks to all members of the eFI group for their contributions.

yes it is because of this noblest group many including me learnt a lot. it spread like a banyan tree providing residence to so many. thanks to all pillars for the base, visitors and others

Congratulations to “Team eFI” for a highly successful journey of one decade!

Vast compilation of mind-boggling number of species. Associating with eFI was highly beneficial to me personally. Visiting it gives a feeling of plant exploration trip. Revising our own plant image identity with wise advices of experts is a boon to all of us.
In my 8/9 years of association with eFI I saw emerging plant explorers as young as BSc students evolving into gems by selfless grooming by the forum. I don’t see any parallel to this.
Some of us started here almost as a novice and now command dependable expertise.
Grooming and advisement is of high class and FREE, unimaginable.
Personally, I learnt a lot here and even dared to create a small Google site “eflorapantnagar” with great help from …
No one in my University works in Plant Taxonomy, so no one to rescue when I am in fix! Thanks to eFI for helping and guiding me.
In a time of scientific reductionism where Plant Taxonomy is badly hit I salute this selfless effort for saving taxonomy and making it colourful and interesting.
Feeling proud as a member of this group.

Thanks, …, for your views.
For me, this journey has taught so many lessons.
It was so nice working with so many legends of India & International Taxonomy. It was always a humbling experience.
I am happy if somebody feels that Indians can also do wonders, as a team.
Finally, we have an eFloraofindia, a unique thing which people from all over the world are learning/ can learn a lot.

Thanks a lot for your continuous efforts and Congratulation

Congratulations and thank you very much for sharing it with the group.