Phlomoides hamosa (Benth.) Mathiesen, Kew Bull. 66: 96 2011. (syn: Notochaete hamosa Benth.);
Nepal to China (Yunnan): China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal as per POWO;

Stems 40-60cm, minutely stellate-hairy at least on younger stems. Leaves ovate-elliptic, 10.5-19.5 x 5.7-14cm, acuminate, base rounded to cordate, margin serrate, upper surface sparsely hairy with stellate or simple hairs, lower surface stellate-hairy; petiole 2.2-16cm. Calyx 17mm, tube villous; teeth 9mm. Corolla white, 9-10mm; lips c 3mm. Nutlets 4 x 2mm.
Fl. July-August
Among shrubs in broad-leaved forests, stream sides in wet bamboo-rich forest
(Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1999 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

Re: Lamium album L. :4 posts by 1 author. 3 images- 7 mb each.

Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 2800m.
Habitat  : Wild

Dr. Chunlei has validated ID as  Phlomoides hamosa (Benth.) Mathiesen Syn: Notochaete hamosa Benth.
Thank you Dr. Chunlei !


Id request Phulchowki Nepal: 2 high res. images.
This was photographed on Phulchowki at an elevation of 2600m. It was growing on the road. There are two photos one taken in September and one taken in August.

Phlomoides hamosa (Benth.) Mathiesen Syn: Notochaete hamosa Benth.
