What message should we write ?

Due to non-updating of our existing site, what message should we write as a Site notice, in place of the existing one.

Currently we have the following disposable message, which is displayed when anyone opens the site:

‘Pl. post your images to indian…@googlegroups.com or jmg…@gmail.com for incorporation in efloraofindia’
Which of the following be OK:
‘We are moving to https://efloraofindia.com/
‘This site is no longer updated as we have moved to https://efloraofindia.com/
‘This site is no longer updated as we have moved to https://efloraofindia.com/ as Classic Google sites will be wound up on 31.09.21′

Or do you have any other suggestions?

The middle one, …

Agree with …

Second one is better.

In addition to site notice, the same thing ( ‘This site is no longer updated as we have moved to https://efloraofindia.com/‘) may also be written on the home page of our google site.

Thanks, …,

Should we not give reason to our readers as to why we are moving from this wonderful site ?

Elaborated content may be put on the landing page of the site.
The disposable message could be brief and simple as you listed (I have done minor edit. You are free to retain your message) –

This site is no longer updated – as we have now moved to new space: https://efloraofindia.com/

A reader may not be interested in reason of migration. It is a good idea to give reasons on home page. At the time of searching any content a reader would like to know where the new website is located than the reason of migration in my opinion.

True, hearty congratulations for this mammoth job of shifting from one to another

Agree with …, it reads clearly and well

I fully agree with … thoughts.

Thanks, …

I have made necessary changes. Pl. see if it is OK:

Yes, thanks … Everything looks good.

yes …, it reads well