MS, Dec.,2020/02 Herb for id.: 2 images- 1 high res.
Location : Sairep Date : 07-06-2016
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Check with Gentianaceae

Gesneriaceae ??

If the leaves opposite could be a Boraginaceae member,

It seems opposite leaves

If the leaves alternate could be a Boraginaceae member,

It seems opposite leaves

Flowers look similar to Halenia like in Halenia perrottetii Griseb. and Jaeschkea as in Jaeschkea canaliculata (Royle ex G. Don) Knobl.

I do not think any of these two matches and neither have distribution in this region.

Please check Argostemma, could be Argostemma sarmentosum Wall. but not sure.

Did not find distribution of this sp. in Mozoram. May be some other sp.? What are the sp. recorded in then region, … ?

Argostemma fragile, A.sarmentosum & A. verticillatum are recorded in Mizoram

Does not match with any of the species of Argostemma mentioned by …

I think this is Argostemma courtallense.

I guess this sp. has got distribution in Kerala and Karnataka  only.

… may be right as per Flora of Peninsular India.

1 high res. image

According to Endemic and Threatened taxa, Argostemma courtallense is recorded in Chhattisgarh also. As such, could it be  a new to Mizoram since it looks matching according to FoI !