Santali Names for Various Plant species

I have added some Names of Plants in the Santali language with the Ol Chiki script along with its transcription. Ol Chiki is now used as an official script for writing Santali Language. I have tried to add as many as references to satisfy my correctness of research.
Also, I have done one thing – I have omitted “dare” from the names of various plant names given in the references. Meaning of dare is Tree. So, in order to exclude unnecessary repetition. I have omitted “dare”. I have marked the star where I have removed the word dare.
Hope it helps.

Sl no. Name Santali name in Ol Chiki scrit Transliteration source
1 Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham) Wall. Ex G.Don. ᱦᱚᱴ Hat
2 Viscum articulatum L. ᱜᱩᱞᱟᱹ Gula
3 Abrus precatorius L ᱠᱟᱣᱮᱛ kawet Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
4 Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) ᱤᱥᱣᱟᱹᱨ Icewar Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
5 Andrographis paniculataNees ᱠᱟᱞᱢᱮᱜᱽᱷ Kalmegh Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
6 Blumea lacera (Roxb.) DC. ᱨᱟᱹᱱᱰᱚᱤ Randoi Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
7 Borassus flabelliferL. ᱛᱟᱞᱮ Tale* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
8 Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. ᱢᱩᱨᱩᱫ Murut Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
9 Cajanus cajan(L.) Millsp ᱵᱟᱲᱮ Bare* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
10 Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T.Aiton ᱟᱠᱟᱱᱟ Akana Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
11 Centratherum anthelminticum(L.) ᱥᱟᱚᱱᱨᱟᱡ Shaonraj Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
12 Cissus adnataRoxb ᱵᱽᱚᱰᱞᱟᱨ Bodlar Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
13 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. ᱛᱩᱨᱚᱢ Turom Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
14 Curcuma longa L ᱥᱟᱥᱟᱝ Shasang* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
15 Datura metel L ᱫᱷᱩᱛᱨᱟᱹ Dhutra Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
16 Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb ᱛᱤᱨᱤᱞ Terel* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
17 Elephantopus scaberL. ᱢᱮᱡᱽᱨᱩᱡᱷᱩᱴᱤ Mejurjhuti Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
18 Holopteleaintegrifolia (Roxb.) ᱪᱷᱟᱞᱟ Challa Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
19 Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) ᱰᱚᱠᱟ Doka* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
20 Leucas mollissima Wall. ᱫᱽᱷᱟᱱᱫᱽᱷᱩᱨᱩᱯᱟᱹᱨᱟ Dhandhurupara Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
21 Millettia pinnata(L.) Panigrahi ᱠᱟᱨᱟᱸᱡ Karaj* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
22 Moringa oleifera Lam. ᱢᱩᱱᱜᱟᱹ Mungdo* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
23 Oxalis corniculata L ᱴᱟᱹᱱᱰᱤ ᱪᱷᱟᱹᱛᱟᱹᱢ ᱟᱨᱟ Tandi chatam ara Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
24 Ricinus communis L. ᱤᱨᱟᱹᱰᱚᱢ Eradom Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
25 Solanum surattense Burm.f. ᱨᱟᱝᱜᱚᱱᱤ Rangoni Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
26 Syzygium cumini(L.) Skeels ᱠᱳᱰᱮ Kode* Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
27 Tragia involucrata L. ᱥᱮᱝᱜᱮᱞ ᱥᱤᱝ Sengal sing Rahaman, Chowdhury; Karmakar, Suman (2015). “Ethnomedicine of Santal tribe living around Susunia hill of Bankura district, West Bengal, India: The quantitative approach”. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science: 127–136. doi:DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50219
28 Asparagus racemosus ᱥᱟᱛᱣᱟᱹᱨ satwar
29 Urginea indica, (Roxb.): Haines. ᱵᱤᱨ ᱵᱤᱭᱟᱡᱽ, ᱵᱟᱱ ᱯᱟᱭᱟ Bir Piaj, Ban Paya
30 Musa paradisiaca, Linn ᱠᱟᱭᱨᱟ Kaira
31 Smilax macrophylla, Roxb,; Haines ᱨᱟᱭᱯᱟᱱ Raipan
32 Cyperus rotundus ,Linn ; Haines ᱢᱚᱛᱷᱟ ᱜᱷᱟᱥ Motha ghas
33 Chrysopogon aciculatus, (Retz.)Trin ,Haines ᱪᱷᱚᱨᱠᱟᱱᱴᱟ Chorkanta
34 Heteropogon contortus, (Linn.) Roem. and schult; Haines ᱥᱚᱦᱨᱟᱭ ᱜᱷᱟ Sohrai gha
35 Borassus flabellifer , Linn . Haines ᱨᱚᱞᱟ Rola
36 Curcuma longa, Linn . Haines ᱦᱟᱹᱞᱫᱤ, ᱥᱟᱥᱟᱝ Haldi ,sasang
37 Ficus glomerat Roxb ᱰᱩᱢᱟᱹᱨ, ᱯᱤᱯᱟᱹᱞ Dumar, pipal
38 Ocimum basillicum Linn. ᱰᱤᱢᱵᱩᱵᱩᱦᱟ Dimbubuha
39 Woodford fruitions, Kurtz ᱦᱟᱣᱟᱭ, ᱪᱮᱟᱨ ᱦᱤᱛᱷᱮᱨ Hawaii, Chair Hither
40 Cassia torah, limn ᱵᱷᱮᱲᱟᱼᱰᱚᱨᱮᱱ Bheda-doren
41 Syzygium Cuminii Linn ᱥᱚ ᱠᱚᱰ so-kod
42 Moringa Oleifera Lamk ᱢᱩᱱᱜᱟᱹ munga
43 Achyranthes aspera L. ᱪᱤᱨᱪᱷᱮᱨᱮ Chirchere
44 Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. ᱜᱷᱨᱤᱴᱚ ᱠᱩᱢᱟᱨᱤ Ghrito-kumari
45 Andrographis paniculata Nees ᱠᱟᱞᱢᱮᱜᱷ Kalmegh
46 Cissus quadrangularis L. ᱠᱟᱢᱨᱟᱡᱽ kamraj
47 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ᱰᱩᱨᱵᱟ durba
48 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. ᱡᱚᱵᱽᱨᱟ Jobra
49 Ocimum tenuiflorum L. [Synonym:Ocimum sanctum L.] ᱛᱩᱞᱥᱤ tulsi
50 Psidium guajava L. ᱯᱮᱭᱟᱨᱟ Peyara
51 Tridax procumbens L. ᱦᱟᱸᱰᱤᱯᱷᱩᱞ Handiful
52 Vernonia cinerea Less. ᱠᱳᱠᱥᱤᱻᱢ Cocseem
53 Zingiber officinale Roscoe ᱚᱫᱟ Oda
54 Abrus precatorius Linn ᱠᱩᱸᱪ Kunch