Hoya oreogena Kerr, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939: 461 1939. (syn: Hoya revolubilis Tsiang & P.T.Li; Hoya salweenica Tsiang & P.T.Li);
.China (Yunnan), India
(Arunachal Pradesh), Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam as per The New Circumscription of Hoya oreogena (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) with the First Record for the Indian Flora;
Common name: Mountain Wax Flower

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References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of China   Flora of China 2  Flowers of India  MyHoyas Asean Plant Export
The New Circumscription of Hoya oreogena (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) with the First Record for the Indian Flora– Michele RODDA, Dipankar BORAH, and Momang TARAM- February 2021 Journal of Japanese Botany 96(1):25-28 (Abstract- Hoya oreogena Kerr (Apocynaceae), so far known from Thailand and Myanmar, is reported for the first time from India. Synonimization of H. salweenica Tsiang & P.T.Li and H. revolubilis Tsiang & P.T.Li has also been made. Its distribution extends to China (Abstract- Hoya oreogena Kerr (Apocynaceae), so far known from Thailand and Myanmar, is reported for the first time from India. Synonimization of H. salweenica Tsiang & P.T.Li and H. revolubilis Tsiang & P.T.Li has also been made. Its distribution extends to China)