Dichanthium foveolatum (Delile) Roberty, Monogr. Syst. Andropog. du Globe 163 1960. (syn: Andropogon foveolatus Delile; Andropogon foveolatus var. plumosus A.Terracc.; Andropogon monostachyus Spreng.; Andropogon orthos Schult.; Andropogon strictus Roxb., nom. illeg.; Cymbopogon strictus Bojer; Eremopogon foveolatus (Delile) Stapf; Eremopogon strictus (Bojer) A.Camus; Hypogynium foveolatum (Delile) Haines; Meoschium monostachys Wight & Arn. ex Steud., pro syn.; Sorghum foveolatum (Delile) Kuntze);
Macaronesia, Sahara to Tanzania and Myanmar: Algeria, Bangladesh, Canary Is., Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gulf States, India, Iran, Kenya, Kuwait, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, Socotra, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, West Himalaya, Western Sahara, Yemen as per POWO;

Need help with grass id from Aravallis (multiple florets?): 2 images.
Neemrana – in Aravalli quartzite


need grass id: like dicanthium but not digitate: 2 images.
Gwalior fort

Eremopogon foveolatussingle racemes with a round pit on the glume

Eremopogon foveolatus: 3 high res. images.
Habitat: dry deciduous forest area

Habit: Annual herb
Loc- Kota Rajasthan
Date- 31july 2022

Eremopogon foveolatus


ABP Grass 3: 4 high res. images.
Habitat: Rocky area or grow in sandy soil

Habit: herb
Height: ~2ft
Loc- Abhera biological park kota
Date: July 2022

Eremopogon foveolatus


Need grass ID: 3 images- 2 high res.
What grass is it?

Eremopogon foveolatussolitary racemes with a single pit clearly visible on the spikelets




POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Pakistan  Flora of Eastern Ghats  India Biodiversity Portal