Sphaerosacme decandra (Wall.) Pennington, Numer. List 1276 1829 (syn: Aglaia decandra Roxb.; Aglaia decandra Roxb. ex Wall.; Amoora decandra (Roxb. ex Wall.) Hiern; Aphanamixis decandra (Roxb.) Kosterm.; Lansium decandrum (Roxb.) Briquet; Sphaerosacme decandra Roxb. ex Wall.; Sphaerosacme fragrans Wall. ex Voigt; Sphaerosacme nepalensis Roem.);
Nepal to N. Myanmar: East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal as per POWO;

Meliaceae member like Dysoxylum: 4 images.

From Seijosa Arunachal Pradesh.

Meliaceae member like Dysoxylum. Kindly help in identification.

Here capsules seem to have 5 cells (valves). I couldn’t make out Leaflet numbers and character.
Please check probability of Sphaerosacme decandra (Hiern) T.D.Penn. (syn. Amoora decandra Hiren) – https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/gallery?taxon_key=3850570
and POWO

To me looks different.

No, Sir, I wouldn’t go for Amoora rohituka = Aphanamixis polystachya (Wallich) R. Parker,, because it has 3-loculicidal capsule.

Similarly no Dysoxylum either has 5-locular capsule (as per Flora of British India. Though Flora of China says it has, but I couldn’t find any..

Only, Amoora decandra features  – “fruit gloose-obovoid 5 furrowed umbilicate 5-celled and seeded.” (FBI. vol-I, p-562)

I agree with you as per GBIF specimen.

Flowers are polygamous (Having separate male, female and bisexual flowers on the same plant).

I myself am not satisfied, Sir ji, but, one more time I have checked Flora of British India, to find a suitable alternative taxon of Meliaceae in NE region. Found none with five locucidial fruit, except Munronia pinnata (Wall.) W.Theob., which is not the case here.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIFspecimen (High resolution specimens) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal