Curcuma elata Roxb. ?;

SK 2900 01 May 2021: 17 images.
Location: Central Nepal
Altitude: 1200-1500 m.
Date : April 2021
Habitat : Wild 
Sent by a friend !

Curcuma zeodaria Rosc.  ??

Yes, I agree. Leaves should have persistent purple cloud down the centre ….. I could see hint of that – 178827429_ 479609356790406_ 4236147377465465211_n.jpg. and also other characters, as described in “Bengal Plants” and “Botany of Bihar and Orissa”.

this seems to be Curcuma elata? need confirmation.

It does not seem to have distribution in Nepal. Do you think this to be a new sp. for Nepal.?? Curcuma

Compared with net images it looks like marching with C. elata but I could not confirm it !