Blumea repanda (Roxb.) Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7 1378 1936. (syn: Blumea eberhardtii Gagnep.; Blumea procera DC.; Blumea semivestita DC.; Conyza procera Wall.; Conyza repanda Roxb.; Conyza semivestita Wall.; Leveillea procera Vaniot Leveillea vestita Vaniot; Placus procerus Kuntze);
Tropical & Subtropical Asia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Jawa, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, New Caledonia, Vietnam as per POWO;

DC. Prodr. v. 445 ; villous above or tomentose, branches long stout, leaves 5-8 in. sessile obovate-oblong or lanceolate acuminate coarsely irregularly toothed glabrous or hirsute beneath base cordate, heads 1/2 in. in dense (rarely loose) compound clusters on the woolly branches of an elongate panicle, invol. bracts silky outer short acute coriaceous, recept. narrow glabrous, lobes of female corolla very hairy, achenes ribbed shortly silky, pappus very white. Clarke Comp. Ind. 86. B. semivestita, DC. l. c. Conyza procera and semivestita, Wall. Cat. 3050, 2996 A. C. repanda, Roxb. Fl. Ind. iii. 431.

TROPICAL HIMALAYA ; from Nipal eastwards, ascending in Sikkim and the KHASIA MTS. to 5000 ft. ASSAM, PEGU, TENASSERIM, MARTABAN, BIRMA.

The cordate narrowed base of the large leaves is a good character of this species, which grows to 6 ft. high. I have not quoted Kurz, who (As. Soc. Journ. 1877, ii. 189) considers procera to be a var. of macrophylla. Clarke believes that Kurz’s macrophylla has red pappus, and that his procera is Blume’s confusa.

(Attributions- IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))

23-06-2021 surajit 03 : Blumea repanda (Roxb.) Hand.-Mazz.: 2 attachments from POWO and GBIF
Distribution : From Nepal to NE India, Bangladesh, others

KEW : POWO KEW herb. from Nepal –
NOTE  as per FBI head is 1/2 inch, against 5-7 mm in FoC

Picture source : KEW and HR screenshot of GBIF specimen (no.1), from Combodia




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  FOC illustration  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)   Wikimedia Commons