Sida species- Andhra Pradesh (?)

Publication on Sida: 1 pdf.
I am forwarding herewith a publication on the genus Sida. If this is useful you may forward this to the group.

Thanks, …,
Certainly very useful.

All the authors are well known and their present research is highly appreciated. Very recently one new species has been been described from Kerala and the author Dr. Santhosh Kumar may please tell us about that.

The paper on Sida is very useful, I would like to know a species of Sida which I could not found any match efi collection

On checking with keys in the A Synopsis of the genus Sida L. (Malvaceae) from Maharashtra, India– Gajanan M. TAMBDE, Ramchandra D. GORE and Milind M. SARDESAI- Taiwania 61(3): 243‒252, 2016, as both sides of the leaves are not concolourous, it rules out S.scrabida.
For, S.spinosa, keys say ‘Petioles with 1–3 spiny emergences (spurs) at base’, pl. check this aspect. Otherwise it appears to be close to Sida ovata Forssk.

As per my observations and field study the species Sida scabrida is mostly confused as Sida rhombifolia in field but mainly differs due to leaves and joint of pedicels. Sida scabrida have concolorous leaves and pedicels without joint, while non-concolorous leaves and jointed pedicels are seen in Sida rhombifolia. The specimens collected from Kolhapur district seem to have concolorous leaves.

           Spiny emergence at the base of the petiole is a very common characteristic for the Sida spinosa. But sometimes in Sida ovata the spiny spurs are seen when a plant faces harm due to regular grazing. Sida spinosa and S.ovata are also differs from each other due to variation in leaves, presence or absence of spiny spur, awns of mericarps (very long in S. spinosa while short in S. ovata for more details please see

thank you, still I am unable to conclude.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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