Rhododendron roseum (Loisel.) Rehd., E.H.Wilson & A.Rehder, Monogr. Azaleas: 138 (1921) (syn: Azalea prinophylla Small; Azalea rosea Loisel.; Rhododendron canescens Porter; Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais; Rhododendron roseum f. albidum Steyerm.; Rhododendron roseum f. lutescens Rehder; Rhododendron roseum f. plenum Rehder);
N. Central & E. U.S.A.: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia as per POWO;

Rhododendron prinophyllum from UCBG-GS29082021-4: 2 images.

Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais

Syn: Azalea prinophylla Small

North American species of deciduous trees with spicy-scented fragrant bright funnel-shaped flowers without a blotch.

Photographed from University of California Botanical Garden, 22-4-2019.





References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of North America  Wikipedia  gobotany  wildflower  missouribotanicalgarden