SK 3507 23 May 2022: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK
Altitude: 60m.
Date: 03 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated
Fabaceae.. Which one ?

It appears somewhat close to images at Lotus corniculatus

But young fruits in 3rd image look ridged instead of terete.
Maybe some other species of Lotus.

Sorry but I am very familiar with Lotus corniculatus ..common name bird foot trefoil and I do not believe it matches.

Mystery plant is rather large and sprawling.
Leaf stalks long.
Wondering if it is Medicago sp…it has long leaf stalks

It’s quite similar to Coronilla glauca.

This is trifoliate whereas Coronilla glauca. has got more leaflets.

Sorry.. nothing like Medicago… must have been half asleep suggesting that.

Coronilla valentina glauca
Citrina is more like a free standing shrub.

Unsupported it does sprawl.

This is one I photographed locally in Feb 2022…

Citrina is more like a free standing shrub.

Unsupported it does sprawl.

This is one I photographed locally in Feb 2022…

I feel it is a Lotus species only e.g. like Lotus cytisoides L.