Henckelia anachoreta (Hance) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller, Taxon 60: 774 (2011) (syn: Chirita anachoreta Hance, Chirita dimidiata R.Br., Chirita minutiserrulata Hayata, Didymocarpus anachoretus (Hance) H.Lév., Didymocarpus minutiserrulatus (Hayata) Yamam., Didymostigma trichanthera C.X.Ye & X.G.Shi, Roettlera anachoreta (Hance) Kuntze);
Arunachal Pradesh to S. China and Indo-China, Taiwan: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Hermit Henckelia
MS Aug., 2920/03 Henckelia sp. for id : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb.
Location: E.Lungdar, Mizoram
Henckelia pumila !
Do you have any other images ?
Chirita hamosa, C.macrophylla, C.oblongifolia and C.pumila are recorded in Mizoram
Nearest out of the four mentioned by you, I can find is Henckelia grandifolia A.Dietr. as per GBIF– Specimen and POWO and Plant illustrations
Sorry !! Not available sir
Experts may pl. confirm.
MS,Sept.,2022/02 Herb for id: 1 very high res. image.
Location : Sihphir, Mizoram
Pl. check
H.dasii ?
Yes, appears close to images at Henckelia dasii Taram, D.Borah, R.Kr.Singh & Tag
Henckelia anachoreta ?
I think you are right as per
POWO specimen, Research gate, GBIF, Flickr
Ok, thanks sir
POWO specimen, Research gate, GBIF, Flickr BSI Flora of India Flora of China FOC illustration Flowers of India