Ipomoea kotschyana Hochst. ex Choisy, A.P.de Candolle, Prodr. 9: 354 (1845) (syn: Ipomoea laciniata Balf.f.);
Cape Verde to W. Tropical Africa, NE. Tropical Africa to Mozambique: Cape Verde, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Senegal, Socotra, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania as per POWO;

Ipomoea kotschyana: 1 image.
location kutch gujarat

local name ?
Ipomoea kotschyana

A great observation, …
Distribution given in BSI Flora of India.

Yes it’s.



POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India  JSTOR  Convolvulaceae Unlimited