For ID 16102022KSB: 3 images.

For ID
Place: Mangalore Karnataka
Location. Roadside tree
Date: 16-10-2022
Type: Large tree

Details are not clear. May I request you to post high res. images, to check the details.

Looks like some Ficus !

Yes, maybe. But we need to see the details. I think the leaves in the 1st and 2nd image look different.

Ok, thanks. I will try to get new picture

Any new images?

No, nothing yet.

Few more pictures of the plant for ID.
6 images.

Two types of leaves are making me confused.
Due to low res. images, I am not able to see the details of one of them.
Pl. check—z/m/moraceae/ficus/ficus-maclellandii, though I am not not sure.