Ladakh, August 2022 :: Oxytropis microphylla for validation :: ARK2022-159: 5 high res. images.
This was at a small meadow just before Pangong tso. I think this is Oxytropis microphylla.
Marmots were in abundance here and it was a ‘masst spot’ ‘for a ‘must stop’ en route Pangong tso.
Requested to please validate.

Had earlier seen a similar plant at  at Fotu la, Ladakh (4108 mt. ASL on the Srinagar Kargil route) in August 2022.
Could manage a single pic.
Could you please validate if this is also Oxytropis microphylla?

I guess the ID is correct !

Yes, Maybe as per images at Oxytropis microphylla (Pall.) DC.

However, I am not fully convinced.