Polygala idukkiana Mohan Vishnu and Santhosh Nampy, December 2022 Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79(2):e129;
12 Identify weed plant : 3 images.
Please identify the weed plant.
Polygala sp. ??
I did not find a match as per existing species as per comparative images at Polygala
It is very similar to Poligala sp. Please find the following details.
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District (far east), Kerala PIN:686671
Date:. 22.10.2020, 11.00am
Altitude:. 1700msl
Habitat:. wild moisture
Plant habit: upwards, side branches annual
Height:. 02 Feet
Leaves shape: oval tip
Flower: diameter:06mm, whitish light blue, non fragrant
What are species of Polygala reported from your area?
It is informed that doesn’t any Polygala Species reported from here and not mention in keralaplants.in about this kind. Hence I have no idea about it. It is blooming in the place just points Reserve Forest Chathamattom in Google map when zoom.
4 images.
I guess Polygala javana DC !
Polygala javana is yellowish in colour and more than one flowers in a bunch or not clear bunch. But the said flower is whitish blue and only one flower in a bunch.
Thanks, … Pl. always send a habit image in your posting, which is very important for id.
There is any procedure for recording or giving name for new plants? If yes, please give me full details of how it can do.
Thanks, …
… and … can give more details.
You’re right …, New is the Which is different from existing species, that will happen by the speciation,
Photos please I missed it,
4 images.
Polygala sp. ??
Polygala sibirica L. ??
I do not think so.
I also think it is: Vishnu M., Nampy S. 2022. Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79, as per details herein and as per Polygala sp. Chathamattom (12 ID wild plant)
Requesting a herb id_1_081022: 2 high res. images.
Herb with a weak stem, leaves are simple, alternate with acuminate apex. The flowers are axillary in raceme. Corolla is polypetalous and papilionaceous, keel petals largest(2), wing petals (2) with reproductive organs inside this forming a purse. The head Petal is singular with forked branchings.
Agasthymalai Biosphere environs.
Polygala. From where? When photographed? Elevation? habitat image ?
It was 400 mts above sea level. It was photographed today (081022).
Please copy to efi also while replying.
https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m—z/po/polygalaceae/polygala/polygala-species/chathamattom ??
ID still pending !
Is it cultivated ??
It isn’t cultivated. It was found in the forests.
Polygala sibirica L. ??
I do not think so.
This appears close to images at Polygala species- Chathamattom, Ernakulam, Kerala, which is yet to be identified.
Yes, it is the same plant,
You mean my ID is correct ?
Should be sir. Let me reconfirm with flora and get back to you.
Polygala sp
I think it is: Vishnu M., Nampy S. 2022. Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79, as per details herein.
Polygala sp. Chathamattom (12 ID wild plant): 1 screenshot.
My plant is Polygala idukkiana, just named.
Posted in 2020 and 2022- published as a new species:
It is again heartening to say that this plant was posted initially by Sam ji in 2020 as per details at 12 Identify weed plant and later by Sachin ji Requesting a herb id_1_081022. Now it has been published as a new species as per details at Vishnu M., Nampy S. 2022. Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79.
Plant posted by Karuna ji in 2015 at Unknown sp. from Assam KD 02 Dec 15, though quite close to it, may be Polygala chinensis as per images at iNaturalist
Heartening to know this news.
Hearty congratulations to Sam ji for having recorded the sighting earlier !!!
Hearty congratulations to Sachin ji too !!!
Many congratulations Sam Ji and Sachin Ji.
Congratulations to the Authors and first sighters.. wonderful contribution
Congratulations 👏 to all the authors.
One thing that I noticed is that most of the authors do not even mention about efloraofindia in their publications.
Let them not acknowledge, as long as, we as a team, know our true worth of the free services we are rendering to the Indians and to the people all over the world.
Congratulations to our efi team for posting images which became a new sp.
Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India– Mohan Vishnu and Santhosh Nampy, December 2022 Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79(2):e129