Freesia × kewensis

Freesia × kewensis J.Wright, J. Hort. Cottage Gard., ser. 3, 48: 179 (1904) (syn: Freesia × chapmanii R.F.H.Chapm. ; Freesia grandiflora virginalis R.F.H.Chapm. ; Freesia × hybrida L.H.Bailey ; Freesia × tubergenii Tubergen ) (artificial cross is F. corymbosa × F. leichtlinii subsp. alba);

Freesia x kewensis from California-GS16032023-1: 5 very high res. images.
Thanks … for your critical response to my plant uploaded wrongly as Clivia miniata var. flava. Today I went back to check the plant and to my surprise, the leaves are totally different from Clivia, looked more like typical Iridaceae. I finally was identified as Freesia ‘Fragrant Sunburst’.
At the same place I found another plant Freesia x kewensis often sold as Red River Freesia or  Freesia ‘Red River’, which I am sharing clicked from Fremont, California.



Freesia armstrongii from Delhi : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Freesia armstrongii from Delhi, displayed at Annual flowers show of Delhi University on February 26, 2010.

Is it been named after the American Astaunot.

No chance … The species was named in 1904.

According to the book Freesias By W. F. McKenzie F armstrongii was found in South Africa in 1897 and was named after its finder Mr. Armstrong.

Could not find much details of Freesia armstrongii on net.
Must be some hybrid as per details at

This also appears similar to Freesia × kewensis J.Wright as per your images at Freesia x kewensis from California-GS16032023-1

Yes …, I had even forgotten that I have Freesia in my database, as age progresses, tend to lose memory. I will check.

Not much difference …, most of the Freesia plants in the market these days are cultivars of F. x kewensis, an artificial hybrid between F. armstrongii (now considered a synonym of F. corymbosa) and F. refracta.


