Freesia × kewensis
Freesia × kewensis J.Wright, J. Hort. Cottage Gard., ser. 3, 48: 179 (1904) (syn: Freesia × chapmanii R.F.H.Chapm. ; Freesia grandiflora virginalis R.F.H.Chapm. ; Freesia × hybrida L.H.Bailey ; Freesia × tubergenii Tubergen ) (artificial cross is F. corymbosa × F. leichtlinii subsp. alba);
Freesia x kewensis from California-GS16032023-1: 5 very high res. images.
Thanks … for your critical response to my plant uploaded wrongly as Clivia miniata var. flava. Today I went back to check the plant and to my surprise, the leaves are totally different from Clivia, looked more like typical Iridaceae. I finally was identified as Freesia ‘Fragrant Sunburst’.
At the same place I found another plant Freesia x kewensis often sold as Red River Freesia or Freesia ‘Red River’, which I am sharing clicked from Fremont, California.
Freesia armstrongii from Delhi : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Freesia armstrongii from Delhi, displayed at Annual flowers show of Delhi University on February 26, 2010.
Is it been named after the American Astaunot.
No chance … The species was named in 1904.
According to the book Freesias By W. F. McKenzie F armstrongii was found in South Africa in 1897 and was named after its finder Mr. Armstrong.
This also appears similar to Freesia × kewensis J.Wright as per your images at Freesia x kewensis from California-GS16032023-1
Yes …, I had even forgotten that I have Freesia in my database, as age progresses, tend to lose memory. I will check.
Not much difference …, most of the Freesia plants in the market these days are cultivars of F. x kewensis, an artificial hybrid between F. armstrongii (now considered a synonym of F. corymbosa) and F. refracta.