Genista stenopetala Webb & Berthel., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries 3(2; 2): t. 45 (1836) (syn: Cytisus everestianus (Everest ex J.J.Blandy) W.Bull ; Cytisus racemosus Marnock ; Cytisus stenopetalus (Webb & Berthel.) Christ; Cytisus stenopetalus var. gomerae Pit. ; Cytisus stenopetalus var. palmensis Pit. ; Genista everestiana Everest ex J.J.Blandy ; Genista formosa Carrière ; Genista racemosa B.S.Williams ; Genista racemosa (Marnock) Anon. ; Genista racemosa var. elegans B.S.Williams ; Genista racemosa var. superba B.S.Williams; Telinaria stenopetala (Webb & Berthel.) C.Presl ; Teline stenopetala (Webb & Berthel.) Webb & Berthel. );
Canary Islands, Cape Verde (Fogo); Introduced into: New South Wales, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria as per POWO;
Genista stenopetala from California-GS02052023-3: 3 high res. images.
Genista stenopetala Webb & Berthel
Syn: Cytisus spachianus (Webb) Kuntze
Evergreen shrub commonly known as Sweet broom or Easter broom with trifoliate leaves covered with fine silky hairs and yellow flowers in 5-10 cm long racemes.
Photographed from Fremont, California.
Yes, appears close to images at
POWO Catalogue of Life