Aristolochia punjabensis Lace, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1911: 273 (1911) (syn: Isotrema punjabense (Lace) X.X.Zhu, S.Liao & J.S.Ma);
NE. Pakistan to W. Himalaya as per POWO;

Aristolochia punjabensis Lace submission AS5 May 2023: 6 high res. images.
Here’s a new rare addition to eFloraofIndia website.
Aristolochia punjabensis Lace
Family – Aristolochiaceae
An uncommon perennial climbing herb endemic to Western Himalayas.
Elevation – 2000 metres asl
Photographed in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh
In May 2023

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