Myosotis micrantha from California-GS31052023-2: 3 high res. images.
Myosotis micrantha, differing from M. latifolia in shorter pedicels and smaller flowers, photographed from Mount Hermon, Santa Clara, California USA on 28 May 2023.

I had identified this plant from Japson eFlora of California which calls it as M. micrantha Pall. ex Lehm, which course it is not, because it is now considered as synonym of Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Cos. & Kralik, which has yellow flowers, and it can’t be that.

It also can’t be M. stricta Link ex Lehm & Schult., in which calyx is with long stiff hairs.

It seems to be M. micrantha Guss., which is now considered as synonym of M. sicula Guss.,

I am doubtful as per images at