Oreoseris nivea Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 7: 18 (1838) (syn: Arnica nivea (DC.) Wall. ; Gerbera nivea (DC.) Sch.Bip. ; Perdicium niveum (DC.) Skeels);
Himalaya to China (W. Sichuan, NW. Yunnan): China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Alpine Gerbera Daisy • Nepali: झुलो Jhulo, पान्डा Paandaa

Oreoseris nivea Wall. ex DC.: 9 high res. images.

Location: Tilachan , Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 3100 m.
Habit : Wild
Syn : Gerbera nivea (Wall. ex DC.) Sch.Bip.






POWO  GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India Checklist  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Pan India Bouquets  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal  Hortipedia