Typha angustifolia

Typha angustifolia L., Sp. Pl. 971 1753. (Syn: Massula angustifolia (L.) Dulac; Typha angustifolia var. calumetensis Peattie; Typha angustifolia var. elatior (Boenn.) Nyman; Typha angustifolia var. elongata Wiegand; Typha angustifolia f. foveolata (Pobed.) Mavrodiev; Typha angustifolia var. longispicata Peck; Typha angustifolia var. spathacea Borbás; Typha angustifolia f. submersa Glück; Typha elatior Boenn.; Typha foveolata Pobed.; Typha glauca Seg.-Vianna [Illegitimate]; Typha gracilis Rchb. [Illegitimate]; Typha media C.C.Gmel.; Typha minor Curtis; Typha pontica Klokov f. & Krasnova);
Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra as per Flora of Peninsular India;
Temp. Northern Hemisphere as per WCSP;
Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Altay; Arkansas; Austria; Baltic States; Belarus; Belgium; British Columbia; Bulgaria; California; Central European Rus; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Colorado; Connecticut; Corse; Czechoslovakia; Delaware; Denmark; East Aegean Is.; East European Russia; Finland; France; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; Hungary; Illinois; India; Indiana; Inner Mongolia; Iowa; Ireland; Irkutsk; Italy; Kansas; Kazakhstan; Kentucky; Khabarovsk; Kirgizstan; Korea; Krasnoyarsk; Krym; Lebanon-Syria; Maine; Manchuria; Manitoba; Maryland; Masachusettes; Mexico Central; Mexico Northwest; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Mongolia; Morocco; Myanmar; Nebraska; Netherlands; Nevada; New Brunswick; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Caucasus; North Dakota; North European Russi; Northwest European R; Norway; Nova Scotia; Ohio; Oklahoma; Ontario; Oregon; Palestine; Pennsylvania; Poland; Portugal; Primorye; Prince Edward I.; Qubec; Rhode I.; Romania; Sardegna; Saskatchewan; Sicilia; South Carolina; South Dakota; South European Russi; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tadzhikistan; Tennessee; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Tuva; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Himalaya; West Siberia; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming; Xinjiang; Yugoslavia as per Catalogue of life;

Typha angustifolia L., ( also Lesser Bulrush or Narrowleaf Cattail or Lesser Reedmace), is a perennial herbaceous plant of genus Typha. This cattail is an “obligate wetland” species that is commonly found in the northern hemisphere in brackish locations.[1] The plant’s leaves are flat, very narrow (¼”-½” wide), and 3′-6′ tall when mature; 12-16 leaves arise from each vegetative shoot. At maturity, they have distinctive stalks that are about as tall as the leaves; the stalks are topped with brown, fluffy, sausage-shaped flowering heads. The plants have sturdy, rhizomatous roots that can extend 27″ and are typically ¾”-1½” in diameter.[2][3]
The geographic range of Typha angustifolia overlaps with the very similar species Typha latifolia (broadleaf or common cattail). T. angustifolia can be distinguished from T. latifolia by its narrower leaves and by a clear separation of two different regions (staminate flowers above and pistilate flowers below) on the flowering heads.[2]
(From Wikipedia on 12.4.13)


Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Poaceae :  1 image. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Name: Typha sp.
Family: Poacaeae
Please identify and confirm the species

Typha angustifoliaTyphaceae

Requesting to please ID this Typha growing next to a sugarcane field at Kagwad near Sangli, Maharahstra in May 2015.
I was told it is called ‘Ramban’, and it is a very effective medicine, provides relief immediately. As a result, a phrase in Marathi came into use – ‘Ramban upay’, meaning a sureshot solution to a problem.

Typha angustifolia

SK883 26 NOV-2017:ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
LocationKasara Resort Chitwan, Nepal
Altitude:  550 ft.
Date: 10 August 2014 
Typha angustifolia L.  ??

efi page on Typha angustifolia and Typha domingensis with images

Yes it is

You mean Typha angustifolia L. ??


Thank you …! Nepali Names : खर Khar / कटरा Kataraa / पटेर Pater


Lesser Indian Reed Mace (Typha angustata):
Sending photo of Lesser Indian Reed Mace which was seen growing in a marsh land near our Society. During our childhood days this grass was very common, but owing to the decrease in marsh lands, this grass is found very less. In Marathi we call it Ram bhan.
It is colored and used as a show peace. It is burnt and applied on wounds to heal the wound quickly.
Place : Dombivli
Date : September 2010
Habitat : Wild (marsh land)

we call it cattails.. much loved in dried flower arrangements birds love it.. to nest and to eat… most commonly seen are finches and redwinged black bird… in these thickets…

May be you call it Ram Bhan because it looks like an ARROW !!
It emerges in one of the early stages hydrosere (vegetation succession among aquatic plants), so as the water decreases, it’s population will decrease automatically. But sometimes also due to pollutants in the water.

This acc to me has some medicinal value for stopping the oozing blood from wound. You just have to put the cotton of that Ramban on wound.
Hence in marathi Ramban remedy is the one which is highly effective as Ramas arrow.

Here राम बाण means Panacea i.e sure cure for all ill and also arrow of Bhagwan Ram due to its appearance.
Yes …, it is effective against wound but
 not for all types of wound. In certain cases it can aggravate the trouble. Hence must be used under supervision of experts.
The bird species living in Typha population damages rice crop at maturity to significant level. Hence, farmers try to remove it from surroundings.
…, we are using Typha for management of polluted water from industries. Typha is fairly resistant to pollutants.
“Bur” is dish prepared from it by Sindhi Community.

Yes. This is called “Ram Ban” also in Maharashtra. “Ram Ban” also means “sure remedy” in Marathi.
Adivasis use this as “cotton” to apply on wounds and believe that small woulds get healed.

Was not aware of ‘Bur’.
Yes for root zone technology Typha is used.

Typha angustifolia L.and Typha domingensis Pers. are very close as per keys in Flora of China.

It may be Typha angustifolia L., if we go by distribution as below:
Typha angustifolia L. (Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra as per Flora of Peninsular India)
Typha domingensis Pers. (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu as per Flora of Peninsular India)
If there is different distribution in Flora of Maharashtra, pl. let us know.

ID please.
During my school days,
this grass plant was a quite common site in our neighbourhood … in area with stagnant water or nallahs (sewage).
We called it “Ram Baan” … literal meaning “Lord Ram’s arrow”, alluding to its medicinal value of healing wounds very quickly.
With overall progress of the cities and towns, such sights have minimised.
The plant being grass, not at all familiar with botanical aspects.

: May 29, 2010 at 1.31pm IST
Location Place : Kharpudi Budruk, Rajguru Nagar, Pune.
Altitude : 587 m (above mean sea level)

GPS : 18°49’3.90″N, 73°54’31.80″E
: wild
Type : near waste-water flows
Habit : herb (grass)
Height : about 1 – 2 m

Length : – not a climber –
do not know
: linear ?
Size : 1 – 2 m long
Type :
panicle ?
Size : about 30 cm

Size : do not know
Colour : cream, off-white
Calyx : do not know
Bracts : do not know

Type : do not know
do not know
Size : do not know
Seeds : do not know
Other Info

Fragrance : do not know
Pollinator :
do not know
: of medicinal value

It looks like a Bulrush of some sorts – maybe one of these : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typha !

Thank you very much Vinay ji, for the quick and precise response  … the ID is almost there.
It could be Typha angustata

During my chldhood days, we used to cut and color it  for showcase.

In Marathi called as Ramban. The cotton of it is used to withhold and then stop bleeding through a small wound. Has medicinal property.
used for decorations too. can be coloured and put in flower vessels

It is allergy causing plant and one specially children must keep distance with it. It is strictly recommended by allergy as well as weed experts to keep it far from human population. It is indeed a plant of medicinal value but pollens are curse.

Not familiar with Typhya capensis but one difference is obvious. Typha anugustata has male and female portions of spike separated by a distinct narrow portion that is clearly visible in … photographs. In the photographs of T. capensis there is no such narrowed collar. That for me identifies … plant as T. angustata.

As a young girl I tried to collect some of them. Since no body allowed me to enter the pond could not cut even a single rush.

Yes I too think Typha angustata it is used around Kolkata for sewage treatment better to an agent of phytoremediation.

It may be Typha angustifolia L., if we go by distribution as below:
Typha angustifolia L. (Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra as per Flora of Peninsular India)
Typha domingensis Pers. (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu as per Flora of Peninsular India)
If there is different distribution in Flora of Maharashtra, pl. let us know.

Thanks … for resurfacing this post for ID validation.
Typha is common in Thane, Mumbai. However, the occurrence has drastically reduced due to reclamation of inland marsh and swamp area.
It must be occurring widely in Maharashtra..
One publication (PDF in Marathi) from the State Gazetteer Department that I use as a quick reference to know about distribution in Maharshtra is महाराष्ट्रातील वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि वनसंपदा.
About Typha, there is only one species listed, distributed state-wide – Typha domingensis Pers. … synonyms: Typha angustata Bory & Chaub. • Typha angustifolia Sibth. et. Sm. non L.
I will wait to know the conclusion of Typha spp. distribution in Maharashtra, and thus any resolution of ID in this post.

You have to check the detailed characters with the publication, posted by …

Thanks … for the paper.
But it is difficult for me to assert the ID of my posted plant, because, at the least, I should have an aspect of leaf sheath to check. All other aspects illustrated are not available to check in my pictures.
Going through description:
…Flowering shoots 5–12 mm thick in middle and 2–3 mm thick near inflorescence. Inflorescence a long, cylindrical, compact, spike with staminate and pistillate flowers in separate aggregations, separated by 3 (0.6) – 8 (12) cm long interval of naked axis….
My posted plant compares well with the above portion of description, and thus could be most probably Typha angustifolia L.

Pl. check the leaf sheath.

…, unfortunately, I am not able to spot any leaf sheath in any of the posted images.


Typha domingensis in FOI : 5 posts by 2 authors.
Images of Prashant ji in Flowers of India, may be Typha angustifolia L., if we go by distribution as below:
Typha angustifolia L. (Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra as per Flora of Peninsular India)
Typha domingensis Pers. (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu as per Flora of Peninsular India)
If there is different distribution in Flora of Maharashtra, pl. let us know.

Thanks … for bringing this up. Yes, the two species appear very close.
Typha angustifolia  native range is Temp. Northern Hemisphere.
Typha domingensis native range is Tropics & Subtropics.
From this I would have expected that Typha domingensis would be more widespread in the warm tropical climate. But of course, this is not enough justification, and I would like to know if Typha domingensis is found in Maharashtra. Since it is pantropical, I will be surprised if it is not found in Maharashtra.

From the distribution given in Flora of Peninsular India, it appears that Typha angustifolia L. (Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra) is distributed more in the Western Ghats area, while other places in South India, it seems that Typha domingensis Pers. (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu) is prominent. 

Please have a look at the attached paper, particularly the highlighted portion. Some important takeaway points seem to be:
1. Typha domingensis is more widespread in India compared to Typha angustifolia.
2. Typha angustifolia has often been ignored in India, but does exist here.
3. flora of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra (Karthikeyan & Kumar, 1993); the state flora of Maharashtra (Lakshminarasimhan, 1996) and the flora of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali, Mumbai, mistakenly treat T. angustata (which is actually T. domingensis) as T. angustifolia.
4. The paper tabulates differences between the two species. However, I am unable to use them for the images we have.
Attachments (1)- Typha angustifolia-Rheedea24_highlighted.pdf

Thanks, … We may seek detailed images from …, to determine the exact species, based on differences enumerated in the publication.
…, Pl. post detailed images or examine yourself and tell us.


Much of material in Indian Infloras has been placed under Typha angustata Bory & Chaubard. As it turns out that T. angustata Bory & Chaubard is now treated as synonym of T. domingensis Pers. Recently Suman Halder, P. Venu and Y.V. Rao, 2014 (The distinct Typha angustifolia (Typhaceae) ignored in Indian floras, Rheedea 24(1): 16-20 have concluded that some material under T. angustata may belong to T. angustifolia, though not as prevalent as T. domingensis (=T. angustata). It may thus be concluded:
1. Material of T. angustata in India may belong to either T. domingensis or T. angustifolia.
2. T. domingensis is much more widely distributed than T. angustifolia in India.
3. Perhaps no city in India has so much abundance of Typha angustata as Kashmir valley, and all major herbaria are full of specimens from Kashmir. The above paper does not cite any specimen from Kashmir in distribution of T. angustifolia, obviously all of it belongs to T. domingensis.
    Here is the list of differences between the two species taken from above paper as well as Flora of China. Unfortunately, however, most of these differentiating characters are microscopic and may not be available in photographs we have, but may help in future photography of specimens:
T. angustifolia                                                   T. domingensis
1. Leaf sheaths auriculate at tip                   1. Leaf sheaths taper into lamina
2. Upper surface of leaf with brown spots.    2. Brown spots absent
3. Male part of spike ca 8 cm                         3. Male part of spike 7-30 cm
4. Compound pedicels of female flowers       4. Compound pedicels of female
     slender with brown streaks                            flowers dark brown and stumpy
5. Perigonial hairs of female flowers              5. Perigonial hairs of female flowers
    shorter and below stigma                               as equal to stigma
6. Colour of Female flower bracts                  6. Colour of Female flower bracts
     dark brown                                                     translucent
7. Staminate bracts forked at apex                7. Staminate bracts laciniate
8. Anthers twisted after dehiscence               8. Anthers not twisted after dehiscence
9. Anther 1.3-1.8 mm long                             9.  Anther ca 1.4 mm long
10. Stigmas ca as broad as style                  10. Stigmas broader than styles

I hope this helps. I am attaching above cited paper.


Typhaceae: Typha angustifolia L.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994

Updated on December 24, 2024

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