Corallorhiza trifida Châtel., Spec. Inaug. Corallorrhiza 8 1760. (Syn: Corallorhiza anandae Malhotra & Balodi ………………………….);
Temp. & Subarctic Northern Hemisphere: Alaska, Alberta, Altay, Amur, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, British Columbia, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, California, Central European Russia, China North-Central, China South-Central, Chita, Colorado, Connecticut, Czechoslovakia, Delaware, Denmark, District of Columbia, East European Russia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Inner Mongolia, Irkutsk, Italy, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Krym, Kuril Is., Labrador, Magadan, Maine, Manchuria, Manitoba, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mongolia, Montana, Nepal, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Newfoundland, North Caucasus, North European Russia, Northwest European Russia, Northwest Territories, Norway, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Pakistan, Pennsylvania, Poland, Prince Edward I., Qinghai, Québec, Rhode I., Romania, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Tuva, Ukraine, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Himalaya, West Siberia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yakutskiya, Yugoslavia, Yukon as per POWO;
Common name: Yellow Coralroot, Early coralroot

ORCHIDACEAE: Corallorhiza trifida Châtel from Uttarakhand by Ishwari Dutt Rai: 3 high res. images.
Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.

From Valley of Flowers.
Pictures were taken by Ishwari Dutt Rai in 2007


ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Corallorhiza trifida Châtel. from Uttarakhand, Valley of Flowers, PKS-76 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 3 authors.

Corallorhiza trifida Châtel., Spec. Inaug. Corallorrhiza: 8 (1760).

Ophrys corallorhiza L., Sp. Pl.: 945 (1753).
Epipactis corallorhiza (L.) Crantz, Stirp. Austr. Fasc., ed. 2, 2: 464 (1769).
Helleborine corallorhiza (L.) F.W.Schmidt, Fl. Boëm. 1: 79 (1793).
Cymbidium corallorhiza (L.) Sw., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 21: 238 (1800).
Epidendrum corallorhizon (L.) Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl.,
Suppl. 1: 377 (1810).
Corallorhiza innata R.Br. in W.T.Aiton, Hortus Kew. 5: 209 (1813).
Corallorhiza corallorhiza (L.) H.Karst., Ill. Repet. Pharm.-Med. Bot.: 448 (1886), nom. inval.
Neottia corallorhiza (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 674 (1891).
Corallorhiza integra Châtel., Spec. Inaug. Corallorrhiza: 11 (1760).
Corallorhiza neottia Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 2: 207 (1772).
Corallorhiza halleri Rich., De Orchid. Eur.: 39 (1817).
Corallorhiza verna Nutt., J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 3: 136 (1823).
Corallorhiza occidentalis Bach.Pyl., Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 4: 502 (1826).
Corallorhiza intacta Cham. & Schltdl., Linnaea 3: 35 (1828), orth. var.
Corallorhiza dentata Host, Fl. Austriac. 2: 547 (1831).
Corallorhiza ericetorum Drejer in G.C.Oeder & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Dan.: t. 2364 (1843).
Corallorhiza virescens Drejer in G.C.Oeder & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Dan. 14(40): 7 (1843).
Corallorhiza jacquemontii Decne. in V.Jacquemont, Voy. Inde 4: 165 (1844).
Corallorhiza trifida var. ericetorum (Drejer) Rchb.f. in H.G.L.Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 13-14: 161  1851).
Corallorhiza innata subsp. ericetorum (Drejer) Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur.: 686 (1882).
Corallorhiza nemoralis Sw. ex Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur.: 686 (1882), nom. inval.
Corallorhiza innata var. virescens (Drejer) Farr, Contr. Bot. Lab. Morris Arbor. Univ. Pennsylvania 2: 425 (1904).
Corallorhiza trifida var. integra (Châtel.) Schinz & Thell. in H.Schinz & R.Keller, Fl. Schweiz, ed. 2: 76 (1914).
Corallorhiza corallorhiza subsp. coloradensis Cockerell, Torreya 16: 231 (1916), nom. inval.
Corallorhiza trifida f. ericetorum (Drejer) Soó, Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 112 (1928).
Corallorhiza trifida f. integra (Châtel.) Soó, Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 112 (1928).
Corallorhiza wyomingensis Hellm. & K.Hellm., Rhodora 33: 133 (1931).
Corallorhiza trifida var. virescens (Drejer) Farw., Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 26: 9 (1941).
Corallorhiza trifida var. verna (Nutt.) Fernald, Rhodora 48: 196 (1946).
Corallorhiza trifida f. suaveolens Bordz., in Fl. RSS Ucr. 3: 328 (1950).
Corallorhiza anandae Malhotra & Balodi, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 26: 108 (1984 publ. 1985).
Corallorhiza trifida subsp. virescens (Drejer) Løjtnant, Fl. & Fauna (Esbjerg) 101: 71 (1996).
Corallorhiza trifida f. verna (Nutt.) P.M.Br., Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes: 284 (2006).
Distribution: Temp. & Subarctic Northern Hemisphere

A very rare species in Uttarakhand as mentioned here. Great exploratory work …
The fig-2 which depicts the habitat (with glacier in backdrop) seems about 4000m, far above the timberline, though within the distribution of B.utilis.

This was found not far from the melting glaciers. Elevation should be around 3400m I assume. Habitat is very specific for this species.



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