Nepenthes tentaculata Hook.f., Prodr. 17: 101 1873.; 
wide distribution across Borneo and Sulawesi. It grows at altitudes of 400–2550 m as per Wikipedia;
Nepenthes tentaculata Hook.f. Prodr. 17: 101 1873.
WIKI: Nepenthes tentaculata, or the Fringed Pitcher-Plant, is a tropical pitcher plant with a very wide distribution across Borneo and Sulawesi. It grows at altitudes of 400–2550 m.
Pic taken at 20th WOC Orchid Show, Singapore.

if I remember my plant biology 101, the pitchers are modified leaves?

if so what do the flowers and subsequent seed pods/ seeds look like… do you have pictures of these ??
and one (not too long) description of the Pitcher plants… (NOT WIKI)
but a real scientific review type article…
