Halenia elliptica D.Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 529 1837. (Syn: Swertia centrostemma Wall. (Unresolved); Swertia peloria Griff. (Unresolved));
Spurred Gentian • Nepali: टिक्टा Tikta; 
Annual herb up to 80 cm tall with erect 4-angled striate stems; basal leaves elliptic, spatulate to suborbicular 2-3 cm long on slightly flattened 1-2 cm long petiole; cauline leaves short petiolate or sessile, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, 5-veined; flowers blue to purple, on up to 4 cm long pedicel, tetramerous; calyx lobes elliptic to ovate; corolla campanulate, 1-2.5 cm long, with four basal spurs up to 15 mm long, corolla lobes ovate; capsule slightly exserted, many seeded.

Halenia elliptica D. Don in Lond. Edinb. Philos. Mag. J. Sc. 8: 77. 1836.
Annual herb up to 80 cm tall with erect 4-angled striate stems; basal leaves elliptic, spatulate to suborbicular 2-3 cm long on slightly flattened 1-2 cm long petiole; cauline leaves short petiolate or sessile, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, 5-veined; flowers blue to purple, on up to 4 cm long pedicel, tetramerous; calyx lobes elliptic to ovate; corolla campanulate, 1-2.5 cm long, with four basal spurs up to 15 mm long, corolla lobes ovate; capsule slightly exserted, many seeded.
Photographed along Deovan Chakrata Road in September, 2011.


This one is Halenia elliptica shot from Deoban Road, Chakrata in September 2011…


VoF week: Halenia elliptica:
Name of species : Halenia elliptica

Family : Gentianaceae
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Hill slope
Date of click : 14th Aug`12
Location: After the first bridge cross, enroute to VoF (c apprx 2 Kmse from entrance gate) above 3400 Mtrs height.
Abundance : Not very common.

This plant is common in Chakrata Area.


VoF Week: Halenia elliptica from Ghangriya:
Halenia elliptica from Ghangriya

VOF Week: Halenia elliptica at VoF.:
Halenia elliptica from VoF.
Family: (Gentianaceae ).

Yes … Nice photographs.


Halenia elliptica from Chakrata-2011:
This Gentian was captured from Budher caves road & Deoban road, Chakrata and was identified as Halenia sp. by Mr. Katku Ram, R.F.O., Chakrata, I suppose this can be Halenia elliptica D.Don. as reported by Collett in Flora Simlensis, 328. Please validate…

Yes … Very good photographs

Interesting ! Very peculiarly shaped flowers.


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Halenia elliptica D. Don from Chakrata-GSJUL18: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).

Halenia elliptica D. Don in Lond. Edinb. Philos. Mag. J. Sc. 8: 77. 1836.
Annual herb up to 80 cm tall with erect 4-angled striate stems; basal leaves elliptic, spatulate to suborbicular 2-3 cm long on slightly flattened 1-2 cm long petiole; cauline leaves short petiolate or sessile, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, up to 6 cm long, 5-veined; flowers blue to purple, on up to 4 cm long pedicel, tetramerous; calyx lobes elliptic to ovate; corolla campanulate, 1-2.5 cm long, with four basal spurs up to 15 mm long, corolla lobes ovate; capsule slightly exserted, many seeded.
Photographed along Deovan Chakrata Road in September, 2011.

Another nice set of photos. Thanks sir

This spurred gentian is common in Chakrata area..
Halenia elliptica..

Great display …, as usual.

Bahuth accha hi …

Halenia elliptica from VoF.
Family: (Gentianaceae).

Halenia elliptica ABAUG2017/13 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
On Saturday I decided to take a different route to reach Snowline by skirting Triund. It was a steep climb with poorly marked trail and thick undergrowth but I was hoping to find something new. This was the only species new to me and I found it at 3000m somewhere below Snowline. Please advise if I am making a mistake in identifying it.
Halenia elliptica
Below Snowline, Dharamshala, HP
05 August 2017

Saw these near Ghangaria, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. The flowers looked very beautiful.
IDed based on efi pics. Requested to kindly validate.

Correct ID.



Tawang, ArunachalOct’09?; On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 2000m): August 2010;

wildflowers of Tawang – indiantreepix | Google Groups
ID plz_281010_RKC_03 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Halenia elliptica D. Don: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude:  2893m.
Date: 18 August 2021 

Habit : Wild 

