giant pumpkin, great pumpkin, melon pumpkin, pumpkin, red gourd, red pumpkin, squash, squash gourd, turks cap gourd, winter squash • Assamese: ৰঙা ranga • Bengali: চালকুমড়ো calakumro, কুষ্মাণ্ড kusmanda • Gujarati: લાલ કોળું lal kolu • Hindi: लाल कद्दू lal kaddu, लाल कुम्हड़ा lal qumra, काशीफल kashiphal • Kannada: ಕಂದು ಗುಬಳ kandu gumbala, ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ kumbalakaayi, ಕೂಷ್ಮಾಂಡ kushmaanda • Kashmiri: अल् al, तुम्बी tumbi • Konkani: दुद्दे dudde • Lushai: lêng-kêl mai • Malayalam: vellarimathan • Manipuri: mairel • Marathi: लाल भोपळा lal bhopala, तांबडा भोपळा tambada bhopala • Mizo: mai • Oriya: kumda, mai • Punjabi: ਹਲਵਾ ਕਦੂੱ halwa kaddu, ਮਿੱਠਾ ਕਦੂੱ mittha kaddu • Sanskrit: कुष्माण्डकः kusmandakah, पीतकुष्माण्डः pitakusmandah • Tamil: சர்க்கரைப்பூசணி carkkarai-p-pucani, சீமைப்பூசனி cimai-p-pucani, பறங்கிக்காய் paranki-k-kay • Telugu: గుమ్మడి gummadi ;
koo-KER-bih-ta — Latin name for the gourd
MAKS-ih-muh — largest
Native of: s South America; widely cultivated; occasionally found as an escape
Edible use:
… the fruit (as VEGETABLE)
… most parts of the pumpkin are edible, including the fleshy shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers …
Cucurbitaceae (pumpkin, or gourd family) » Cucurbita maxima
koo-KER-bih-ta — Latin name for the gourd
MAKS-ih-muh — largest

Native of: s South America; widely cultivated; occasionally found as an escape
Edible use:
… the fruit (as VEGETABLE)
… most parts of the pumpkin are edible, including the fleshy shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers …
some facts:
… one of the most diverse domesticated species, perhaps with more cultivated forms than any other crop
… all giant pumpkins (100+ lbs) are of this species, including the largest pumpkins ever documented, which have attained a size of over 1750 lbs.
Quoted from Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucurbita_maxima>


Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cucurbita maxima cultivars: Here are some of the major cultivars of Cucurbita maxima in the stores here in California.


Cucurbitaceae week: Pumpkin – A harvest to remember:

Freshly plucked pumpkin from the fields below wait by the canal side before they are transported to the town. This fruit crop adds to the farmers livelihood, being harvested during summer.
Sihi Kumbala kayi

Cucurbita maxima
Chandagal village
Mysore dist.
09 Apr 2006 18:31


Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita maxima cultivars I:  Cucurbita maxima Duchesne

Annual climber with sparsely prickly stems, orbicular or reniform less lobed leaves, flowers large with spreading or drooping lobes and spongy pedicel neither ridged nor enlarged at tip. Numerous cultivars are available. Here are some of them:


Cucurbitaceae Week: Few Cucurbits from Australia-Last: Here is one more from Australia, Queensland Blue PumpkinCucurbita maxima….

Interesting … from outside just look like Benincasa hispida


Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita maxima cultivars II: Here are some more cultivars of Cucurbita maxima


Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita maxima cultivars III:  Some more cultivars of Cucurbita maxima

Unique type of C maxima with turban………… Never seen this type of fruit in real

C. maxima with turban…. great!… Or may be TABLA on BIRA….

Flower for id – 061013 ANB-0033 – Mumbai : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
I would love to know the name of this huge yellow flower, I am not sure but I guess it must be around 7 inches. The leaves are even bigger. We saw it in the backyard of a friend’s house in Khandala.

Should be Cucurbita maxima, the Pumkin


Climber for Id 181109Jm2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
On 14/11/09 in Shamirpet in Rangareddi district of Andhra PradeshIndia.

Male flowers of Cucurbitaceae

…, please check Cucurbita maxima … putting a link to few of my photos at flickr.
… will separately post my photos.
OR it could be Cucurbita pepo … at FOI: flowersofindia
… must admit, all the yellow flowers, and the leaves of Cucurbitaceae are confusingly similar !!
Fruit / vegetable would be a welcome identifier.

Thanks, …,
After studying both the plants, I will like to go with Cucurbita maxima (Kaddu). Links:
commons.wikimedia.png (illustration),
ars-grin (Botanical names for Hindi names)
However, others may pl. confirm.

Cucurbita maxima !  



12.12.2009- Banas riwer -Tonk- Jan’10; 12 SEP 09- planted near a tea-stall at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary;
Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) – efloraofindia | Google Groups ¿ Cucurbita maxima ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Cucurbita maxima cultivars;



Cucurbita sp for id from Jangal Chatti Village in way to Ghangriya
It was cultivated there

A photograph of base of ovary or young fruit would have helped to differentiate between C. moschata, C. maxima and C. pepo

Sir I dont have more photographs. next time will try

Linear calyx lobes (not expanded at tip) and cylindrical pedicel (not corky and sulcate) suggest C. maxima


Cucurbita maxima Duchesne :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2007 · JUN23 DV372: 1 image.

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2007 · 2:37 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl

