Rhodiola imbricata Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 47 47 1846. (Syn: Sedum imbricatum (Edgew.) Walp.); . VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 1246 :: Rhodiola wallichiana along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail: 3 AUG 12 Would like to validate this ID. Since the leaf margin is almost entire, and flowers yellow (orange here), would it be Rhodiola imbricata ? Yes … I had doubt about this that is why I did not put my yes. Let us us if we have some other proof of its being R. imbricara.
. Please send me the image and Description of Rhodiola imbricata: If any body having good image and taxonomic classification of Rhodiola imbricata (Crassulaceae). Please send the details Did you try the plant list from Kew botanic garden? Its a good source to get the taxonomic classification of the plant. Kindly check from the link below. Kindly identify this Rhodiola species. Date: 8th August 2011 Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 4340 meters asl GPS: 33.31 N and 76.27 E Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb Plant height: 1-3 feets SK54JUL27-2016:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Enclosing some pictures for identification . Location : Way to Khardung La Altitude: Around 15-16000 ft. Date: 24 August 2014 Must be some Sedum/ Rhodiola species (Crassulaceae). Comaparative images of species in efi at Sedum Rhodiola species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Rhodiola (most species which were included in the genus Sedum from this region are now in this genus) is a very, very difficult genus identification-wise. At present, I cannot quickly suggest possible species for a specimen not in flower or fruit but may be a position to do as my familiarity with the genus improves in due course. These plants have not even got fully developed leaves. IF there is an expert/authority on the genus who can suggest a species, then that would be helpful. It seem to be a species of Rhodiola most probably imbracata species. Though the plant is not in full blooming and at dying stage similarly leaves are also not clearly visible. The common species of Ladakh is R. imbricata syn. R. rosea followed by R. heterodonta. Because it has almost entire leaves so it not surely heterodonta species. Thank you all! … : Your opinion please ! SK55JUL27-2016:ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Enclosing some pictures for identification . Location : Way to Khardung La Altitude: Around 15-16000 ft. Date: 24 August 2014 Thanks, … Is it not the same as in your another thread ? Sedum/ Rhodiola (Crassulaceae) species. Some Crassulaceae member It looks like two species mixed up in one thread due to oversight. Comaparative images of species in efi at Sedum Rhodiola species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) This is Rhodiola, but no idea what species. This plant is belong to Rhodiola again and the species is imbricata. Mostly R. rosea converted in rosy colour at the maturity and its leaves are almost matching with R. imbricata syn R. rosea species. The entire leaves with upper half dentate and plant is smaller in height with rose pink in colour. Thanks, …, for id. I further checked up. R. imbricata and R. rosea are different with the former being reported in the area as per the following: It may be Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. as suggested by you and as per images herein and as per the following: http://www.valleyofflowers.info/flowers-found-in-valley-of-flowers/rhodiola-imbricata/ http://envis.frlht.org/showplantimages/75omdetails identification request: Taken at Himachal Pradesh. May 2010. Sedum…?? Yes Sedum. Could be Sedum asiaticum Appears to be closer to Rhodiola imbricata as per images herein. I repeated my statement of just how difficult it is to reliably identify Rhodiolas – even herbarium specimens, let alone general images not close-up or fully in focus. By Sedum asiaticum, I think this means Sedum crassipes syn. R.asiaticum var. wallhichianum now Rhodiola wallichiania… R.imbricata and R.wallichiana are close. Interestingly, in ‘Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal’ Ohba gives an altitudinal range of 4500-5500m for R.imbricata; 3300-4200m for R.wallichiana. This makes R.imbricata more likely but I do not know how to distinguish between the two of them. The altitudinal ranges in ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ are different but still R.imbricata is more likely if it is just a choice between these two but I am uncertain about this. Ohba in the above publication has a key which early on separates the two (and other species in the genus) on the basis of hermaphrodite flowers (R.imbricata) cf. plants dioecious (R.wallichiana) but this is of no use with most photos!
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Rhodiola imbricata
Updated on December 24, 2024