Allium cepa L., Sp. Pl. 300 1753. (Syn: Allium angolense Baker; Allium aobanum Araki; Allium ascalonicum auct.; Allium ascalonicum var. condensum Millán; Allium ascalonicum var. fertile Millán; Allium ascalonicum f. rotterianum Voss ex J.Becker; Allium ascalonicum var. sterile Millán; …, Allium cepa var. anglicum Alef.; Allium cepa var. argenteum Alef.; Allium cepa var. bifolium Alef.; Allium cepa var. crinides Alef.; Allium cepa var. flandricum Alef.; Allium cepa var. globosum Alef.; Allium cepa var. hispanicum Alef.; Allium cepa var. jamesii Alef.; Allium cepa var. lisboanum Alef.; Allium cepa var. luteum Alef.; Allium cepa var. multiplicans L.H.Bailey; Allium cepa var. portanum Alef.; Allium cepa var. praecox Alef.; Allium cepa var. rosum Alef.; Allium cepa var. sanguineum Alef.; Allium cepa var. solaninum Alef.; Allium cepa var. tripolitanum Alef.; Allium cepa var. viviparum (Metzg.) Alef.; Allium cepaeum St.-Lag.; Allium commune Noronha; Allium cumaria Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Allium esculentum Salisb.; Allium napus Pall. ex Kunth; Allium nigritanum A.Chev. [Invalid]; Allium pauciflorum Willd. ex Ledeb.; Allium salota Dostál; Ascalonicum sativum P.Renault; Cepa alba P.Renault; Cepa esculenta Gray; Cepa pallens P.Renault; Cepa rubra P.Renault; Cepa vulgaris Garsault [Invalid]; Kepa esculenta Raf.; Porrum cepa (L.) Rchb.);
onion; bulb onion, common onion; Marathi name: Safed kanda;
Fruits & Vegetables ::Allium cepa Family Liliaceae.: – … attaching photos of the onion plant cultivated at Rajguru Nagar, near Pune.
what are the family name of some plant ( latest )
Allium cepa – Alliaceae or Liliaceae
Paris & Trillium – Trilliaceae or Liliaceae Tectona grandis- Verbinaceae or ————— Calotropis —Asclepiadaceae or Apocynaceae Allium cepa – Amaryllidaceae. flower id: This is the inflorescence of onion, bearing many flowers covered by a spathe (which is membraneous here and opens as the flower grow). The inflorescence type is known as scape. The scape is the portion of the stem below spathe and the flowers are borne in an umbel. Hooghly2015Mar_sk05/05: Allium cepa L. var. cepa : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
In the pic P1140847 the tooth, one on each side, at the base of inner filament can be seen in one flower, and also white perianth segments with green midvein. wonderful
is this it? Attachments (1) Yes Didi, I think this is what FoC meant in its KEY. Onion fruits and seeds : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Just sharing few photos of Onion fruits ready for harvest.
Certainly peoples from South India may not have seen this. nice
where is it exactly
It is from N23° 21.067′ E73° 12.097′. some 100 kms from Ahmedabad or 40 Km from Himath Nagar Thank you … latitutde etc is extra bonus
i wanted to know what knd of ecosystem so this is dry/arid, irrigated farmland I presume
TSP-JAN2016-26-26: Images of Allium cepa (Amaryllidaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7) It is my pleasure to share few images of Allium cepa (Amaryllidaceae) Habit: Herb Habitat: Cultivated Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 900 msl Date: 08-09-2014, 11-09-2014 and 09-02-2015 .
Location : Gyaneswor, katghmandu
Date : 2 May 2019
Elevation : 1300 m. Habit : Cultivated
any real onions dug up there? can we see them? It started flowering! So not really big onion.
oh. so, later? . References: