Blepharispermum petiolare

Blepharispermum petiolare DC., 12 1834. ;

Shrubs, to 1 m high. Leaves 8-10 x 5 cm, alternate, ovate, acuminate, entire, glabrous; petioles 1 cm long. Heads 3-6-flowered, densely packed in globose clusters of 15 mm across, panicled, terminal, long-peduncled; bracts 1-seriate, 5 x 1 mm, white, oblong, obtuse, glabrous. Flowers two types. Female flowers 2, outer; corolla tubular, 3 mm long, white, 3-lobed. Bisexual flowers 2 or 3, inner, sterile; corolla tubular, 4 mm long, 3-4-lobed, yellow. Achenes obovate, biconvex, black, ciliate; pappus of few hairs.

Flowering and fruiting: December-April
Degraded moist deciduous forests
South India and Sri Lanka

(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)




ID of a climber : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Pl help me to identify the climber with alternate phyllotaxy and Head like inflorescence.
Recorded at KMTR, South western ghats, Tamilnadu

Blepharispermum petiolare.

Nice pictures!


Updated on December 24, 2024