Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy, Fl. Hassan Distr. 769 1976. (Syn. Alpinia neesana J.Graham; Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh; Zingiber macrostachyum Dalzell);
W. India as per POWO;
Neesam Ginger • Marathi: नीसम Nisam;
As per efi thread:
Following recent paper published in Taxon “Fixing stray traditions in gingers: The identity and nomenclatural history of Zingiber neesanum and other entwined names (wiley.com)” dealing with and resolving century old confusion of the names Z.neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and Z.macrostachyum Dalzell. which had a long ambiguous history with incorrect application of name Z. neesanum for white flowered Zingiber found widely in Central and Southernmost Western Ghats. The lack of fieldwork in type locality and historical confusion also lead to publication of a new name Z. diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh, now to be treated as a heterotypic synonym of true Z. neesanum. Authors of this paper confirmed through extensive field visit in type locality that true Z.neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy originally described as Alpinia neesana J.Graham from Maharashtra (Khandala & Mahabaleshwar) have cadmium yellow flowers and is endemic to Northern Western Ghats (so far known from only 8 districts of Maharashtra) while widespread and much variable white flowered Zingiber with purplish streaked labellum that was for long treated as Z.neesaum represents other species first named as Z. macrostachyum Dalzell which however is illegitimate name as was not validly published (having no type designated in protologue), thus newly described Z. anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh. forms to be first validly published name for white flowered Zingiber widely distributed in Central and Southern Western Ghats..


KAS Week::(Zingiberaceae for ID from KAS -10/10/2012-NJ):
Zingiberaceae (Wild ginger) For identification
Photo taken on 20/09/2008

Yes, this is Z. diwakarianum (earlier name Z. neesanum was mis-applied hence changed) in fruiting stage. Image of flowering spike attached. It grows among clumps of shrubs on the plateau and flowers in July.

Clicked during a trekking trip to Peth Killa : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Please identify this plant

It is Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh [Zingiberaceae].
Please refer to the attached paper by R. Kr. Singh.
Attachments (1)- Zingiber_diwakarianum.pdf- 2 MB

This looks like Zingiber neesanum. Please check this link :
Google Groups

This is Zingiber diwakarianum. The allied Z. neesanum is a different plant with a white corolla.
The differences between these two species are illustrated in the paper attached in my previous email.

I think Zingiber neesanum as per What is Zingiber neesanum anyways? and Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.


Zingiber neesanum : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Zingiber neesanum
last weekend (3.8.14)
seen at several places around khandala

This plant was described as Zingiber diwakarianum by R. Kr. Singh in 2011.
According to his paper (attached herewith), this plant has been “wrongly identified as Z. neesanum” over the years. The differences between these two species are illustrated in the attached paper.

I think Zingiber neesanum as per What is Zingiber neesanum anyways? and Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.

Zingiber diwakarianum
Please validate.


Fwd: Identification of Zingiberaceae species. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
I have collected the species from Gaganbawda, Kolhapur on 17 Aug,  2014. Please validate the identification of attached images of  species.


Please ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

identification no 180415sn1-Zingiber diwakarianum? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Kindly help in identification. Zingiber diwakarianum?
location: aambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune
plant habit:herb?
height:4-5 ft.

Zingiber diwarkaram, Mahabeleshwar : 10 posts by 4 authors.
Zingiber diwarkaram,
third week of June, 2018, Mahabeleshwar
saw a couple of plants in bloom

Published by R. Kr. Singh

Zingiber divakarianum

Forwarded these images to Dr. Diwakar and he was so happy!


This was seen by the roadside near Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
Hopefully this is Zingiber diwakarianum.

Beautiful post but it would have been much better to view if images were rotated before posting

Thanks … Trying to upload pics again with correct orientation.

I am unable to upload with correct orientation, am not sure why

You have to rotate image at source, i.e., laptop.

I have done that already, but it is not reflecting here.

Attachments (6)

Thank you … for uploading pics in the right orientation! 🙂

To me, Zingiber diwakarianum.


Zingiber neesanum flowering: Photographed at Khandala over the weekend.

Zingiber Neesanum – 260611-PKA1:  Came across this herb at Kas, Satara (Maharashtra).
Date/Time: 25-06-2011/ 11:15AM
Bot. name: Zingiber neesanum
Family: Zingiberaceae

Are you sure about the id Z. neesanum?

… my belief same as … … me too have spotted this plant at various places around Pune and Satara at high altitudes.
Here is another view captured by me, of the same particular plant of ….

… and a link showing list of photos of this plant by everyone at flickr:
Please do let us know if this ID is far from Zingiber neesanum … and thus what would (more likely) this plant be.

Am not much sure about the identity of the plant in the picture.
But am sure its not Zingiber neesanum…!!!
Usually Z. neesanum has slender spikes with brown, reddish- green bracts.
Also the flowers are white in colour with purple or pink spotted or striped labellum. I have some images with me, but misplaced some where. I shall upload the pictures later.
Anyway… when I searched through google, the plant similar to the above image appeared…!!!
So I had to refer the book “Zingiberaceae & Costaceae of South India” authored by Dr. Sabu ( University of Calicut) to confirm my observations….!!!
Inviting expert comments…!!!

It is not Z. neesanum
It is a new species (Or new genus – i want confirmation from my friend).

Even i am a little confused over it…
I am sending the one i found at Kaas…

This is one of the most confusing gingers of India. I have been looking for the type and protologue but the type is missing and the protologue is insufficient for confirmation. But tentatively now placed in Z. neesanum
however further studies are essential. Recently this is published as Z. divakanii from Pune. I will sent a pdf version of the paper later.

“Plant Discoveries 2011 by BSI” has mentioned about Zingiber diwakarianum R Kr Singh.
… in his reply has mentioned that this is published as Z. diwakarnii from Pune. It will be really interesting to see this paper and see if the plant posted by me earlier from Kas and similar plants seen in Mahabaleshwar and other regions of Sahyadri are Z. diwakarianum.

I think this will be Zingiber diwakarianum as per images and details herein.

Z. divakarianum

According to the current circumscription of the names mentioned above, this plant representsZingiber diwakarianum R Kr Singh.
As … mentioned, there’s confusion over the identity of Z. diwakarianum and Z. neesanum. However, it’s difficult to come to a conclusion right now with the scanty protologue and absence of type specimens.

I think Zingiber neesanum as per What is Zingiber neesanum anyways? and Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.

AAZ Fortnight :: Zingiberaceae :: SMP14 :: Zingiber neesanum : Western ghats : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Zingiber neesanum

you have habit photo?

I think this will be Zingiber diwakarianum as per images and details herein.

I think Zingiber neesanum as per What is Zingiber neesanum anyways? and Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight::Zingiberaceae Sp for ID. (NSJ-06) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Zingiberaceae Sp for ID. Photo taken near Kas during monsoon season

Has it been identified as Zingiber diwakarianum ?

I think Zingiber neesanum as per What is Zingiber neesanum anyways? and Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.

ID Please (240609NSJ): 1 image.
ID is requested. The flower looks like ornamental ginger but not sure. Photo was taken at Satara in Sep 08.

it seems to me a mature fruiting spike of Curcuma species
a leaf pic or whole habit pic would be of help

It can be a Curcuma sps.

I think Zingiber neesanum as per images and details herein.


What is Zingiber neesanum anyways?: 1 images.
Confusion on which name to use for which species remained a constant theme for the two ginger species depicted in the following photographs. Both Zingiber species occur in Western ghats and are widely distributed, yet their identity and names used for them remained a hotly debated topic in every forum interested in them, including ‘eflora of India’.
Me and my co-authors have recently published a study which addressed this problem in detail and provided a solution for the same ✨Our results mainly conclude that
1) The Yellow flowered Zingiber species occurring in northern Western Ghats must be recognized with name Zingiber neesanum. 2) Recently proposed new name for the same species – Zingiber diwakarianum – must not be preferred 3) White flowered Zingiber species predominant in Central and Southern Western Ghats must be called by the name Zingiber anamalayanum.
In addition to these 3 main conclusions we also pinpointed the origin of the said problem, how it persisted in time and how we can learn from our mistakes and not repeat the same again. We have also shed light on some interesting botanical history, importance of herbarium specimens, digitizing historical documents in connection with botany and much more.
Henceforth the two species will be known by their correct name throughout the globe, facilitating their unambiguous identification.
Everything under the sun in connection with these species will be much precise now, let it be assessing their conservation status or considering them from utilitarian point of view.


Correcting page Zingiber diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh name to Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and transferring images of Z. neesanum page to Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh.:
Following recent paper published in Taxon “Fixing stray traditions in gingers: The identity and nomenclatural history of Zingiber neesanum and other entwined names (wiley.com)” dealing with and resolving century old confusion of the names Z.neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy and Z.macrostachyum Dalzell. which had a long ambiguous history with incorrect application of name Z. neesanum for white flowered Zingiber found widely in Central and Southernmost Western Ghats. The lack of fieldwork in type locality and historical confusion also lead to publication of a new name Z. diwakarianum R.Kr.Singh, now to be treated as a heterotypic synonym of true Z. neesanum. Authors of this paper confirmed through extensive field visit in type locality that true Z.neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy originally described as Alpinia neesana J.Graham from Maharashtra (Khandala & Mahabaleshwar) have cadmium yellow flowers and is endemic to Northern Western Ghats (so far known from only 8 districts of Maharashtra) while widespread and much variable white flowered Zingiber with purplish streaked labellum that was for long treated as Z.neesaum represents other species first named as Z. macrostachyum Dalzell which however is illegitimate name as was not validly published (having no type designated in protologue), thus newly described Z. anamalayanum Sujanapal and Sasidh. forms to be first validly published name for white flowered Zingiber widely distributed in Central and Southern Western Ghats.
As the paper is not freely available so I have added a brief summary and one can go through the abstract on the above given link.


Curcuma caulina…….please validate: 1 image.
Pic. taken at Aambyvalley rd., Upper Lonavala Maharashtra in august 21

I think image may be insufficient.

Zingiber neesanum (=Z. divakarianum)


efi thread  POWO