
Rosaceae Week- Rose from Kashmir- 031011: Sending a photo of rose taken from Kashmir.
Place : Mughal Gardens, Sreenagar, Kashmir
Date : June 2009


Rosaceae Week : Rose from Pahalgam, Kashmir : 041011 : AK-1: Taken on the 7th of Sept, 2011 at Pahalgam, Kashmir.
Pine tree in the background as the rose was growing under it.


Rosaceae Week : Rose from Srinagar, Kashmir : 041011 : AK-2: Taken at the resort where we were staying in Srinagar, Kashmir on the 11th of Sept,11…after rains.

With dew drops Sooooo beautiful


Rosaceae week : Rose from Kashmir-031011: Sending a photo of rose taken from Kashmir.

Place : Mughal Gardens, Sreenagar, Kashmir
Date : June 2009

Tea Rose, I hope


Rosaceae Week : Rose from Kashmir-MN-81011: Sending photo of Roses.

Date : June 2009
Place : Srinagar, Kashmir.


Rosaceae Week : Rose from Kashmir-MN-81011-2: Sending photo of Roses.

Date : June 2009
Place : Srinagar, Kashmir.


Rosaceae Week : Roses from Kashmir-MN-81011-2: Sending photo of roses from Kashmir.
Place : Chasme Shahi and Mughal gardens, Srinagar
Date : June 2009

Nice collage