Leptopus cordifolius Decne., Voy. Inde 4: 155 1844. (syn: Andrachne cordifolia (Decne.) Müll.Arg.; Andrachne decaisneana Baill.; Arachne cordifolia (Decne.) Pojark.; Phyllanthus cordifolius Wall. ex Decne. [Invalid]);
E. Afghanistan to Himalaya and NW. India: Afghanistan, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
A small shrub with slender branches; leaves alternate, long petiolate, ovate oblong, 2-6 cm long, upper surface glabrous, lower thinly hairy; flowers 4-6 mm across, pale green on long pedicels; male in clusters of 2-6, female solitary; male flower with calyx 5-parted, petals 5, disc 10-toothed, stamens 5 surrounding rudimentary ovary; female flower with calyx as in male enlarging in fruit, petals minute reduced to glands, disc as flesh rim around base of ovary; styles 3, each deeply divided into 2; capsule globose 5-6 mm across, 6-valved, 6-seeded.
Common name: Heart-Leaf Maiden-Bush • Hindi: Bharti, Bhartoi, Bhatindu, Durlu, Karkan, Mandhiara


Leptopus cordifolius from Kudi J & K and Mussoorie Chakrata Road near Baratkhai:
Leptopus cordifolius Decne., Voy. Inde 4: 155, 1844 Andrachne cordifolia (Decne.) Müll.Arg.; Andrachne decaisneana Baill.; Arachne cordifolia (Decne.) Pojark.
Family Phyllanthaceae
A small shrub with slender branches; leaves alternate, long petiolate, ovate oblong, 2-6 cm long, upper surface glabrous, lower thinly hairy; flowers 4-6 mm across, pale green on long pedicels; male in clusters of 2-6, female solitary; male flower with calyx 5-parted, petals 5, disc 10-toothed, stamens 5 surrounding rudimentary ovary; female flower with calyx as in male enlarging in fruit, petals minute reduced to glands, disc as flesh rim around base of ovary; styles 3, each deeply divided into 2; capsule globose 5-6 mm across, 6-valved, 6-seeded.
Photographed from Kud J & K  on 22 August and Mussoorie Chakrata Road near Baratkhai on 16 September

Yes Sir, Andrachne cordifolia, I have found this plant from Morni Hills also. Here I am uploading mine pics from the same site, Chakrata-Bairatkhai road.

Here are mine but from near Tiger Fall. Pls validate

This is only the second flower I have seen as green (one is hirwa Sonchapha).

Kalatope id al070611:
A tiny flower for id.. (it’s a wonder I even saw it…)
Location Kalatope
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 2-3 feet
flower dia 3mm approx

Could this be species of Sauropus ?

I think Breynia!

I have also photographed this plant in Jammu and Kashmir. Both these genera I fear are not reported from Temperate Western Himalayas. I have kept it tentatively as perhaps some species of Phyllanthus.

I think we finally got it as Andrachne cordifolia

Myself, … and … posted it from Chakrata Trip
I also posted it from J & K

Just to set the record straight, the accepted name now is Leptopus cordifolius Decne. syn: Andrachne cordifolia (Decne.) Müll.Arg.


VOF Week: Leptopus cordifolius ??? along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail:
Seen this shrub along Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.
Could this be Leptopus cordifolius ?? (Family: Phyllanthaceae).
Date/Time: 07-08-2012 / 10:15AM
Habitat: Wild

Yes … We photographed it last year from Chakrata and J& K


Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: shrub, about 2 – 3 m high; many branched, slender branches with male and female flowers.

Andrachne cordifolia (Syn. Leptopus cordifolius) in my opinion….

Yes indeed … Checked in eFI database.

Yes Leptopus cordifolius, already uploaded by … from this trip. efi thread

True …, it just could not have escaped my attention – spotted it twice or thrice, and again while returning.

Andrachne cordifolia (Wall. ex Decne.) Muell. Avg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 234. 1866 
Small shrub with 2-5 cm long elliptic-ovate to triangular-ovate leaves on up to 4 cm long petioles with minute stipules; male flowers in few-flowered fascicles with 2.5-3 mm long sepals, rounded at apex, connate at base, petals 2 mm long, obovate-spathulate, yellow; female flowers solitary or with one male flower, pedicel 2-3 cm long, sepals enlarging to 4 mm in fruit, petals minute; fruit roundly trilobate, 3-5 mm long, 6-7 mm diam., smooth, glabrous.
Photographed from Mussoorie Chakrata Road

I am putting here the correct nomenclature for this plant, extracted from Flora of India, Volume 23:
Leptopus cordifolius Wall. ex Decne., Voy. Inde 4: 155. 1844; Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. in Kew Bull. 64: 633, f. 2 M. 2009 (publ. 2010). Phyllanthus cordifolius Wall. [Cat. No. 7913A. 1847, nom. nud.] ex Decne., l. c. 155. 1844, nom. invalid., pro syn. Andrachne cordifolia (Wall. ex Decne.) Müll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 234. 1866; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 283. 1887.  Arachne cordifolia (Wall. ex Decne.) Pojark. in Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 25: 342. 1940, nom. invalid.  A. cordifolia (Wall. ex Decne.) Hurus. in J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 6: 339. 1954.

Thanks for sharing …, this is a common shrub of the roadside cliffs..

Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Phyllanthaceae :: Leptopus cordifolius along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail :: DV62 : 7 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Leptopus cordifolius Decne. Phyllanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae s. l.
along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail on 01 & 04 AUG 12

Latest nomenclature.


SK38JUL20-2016:ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Enclosing some pictures for identification.

Location : Kakani Nepal
Altitude:  2030m..
Date: 13 July 2016

Menispermaceae member ?

seems Leptopus cordifolius (Euphorbiaceae)

Thank you but according to the FoI and Wiki it is Phyllanthaceae


SK350JAN28-2017:ID : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)

Location: Raniban, Balaju, Nepal
Altitude:  4900 ft.
Date: Flowering – 26 August 2016  Fruiting – 5 September 2016


Astrocasia jacobinensis (Müll.Arg.) G.L.Webster (accepted name) ???
Not listed in Nepal.

The name which you have mentioned is of a Brazilian plant.  I am still thinking hard to find out any match, particularly in Nepal. Please elaborate.

Try Leptopus. Compare with L.  cordifolius.

Yes. Leptopus cordifolius

Leptopus cordifolius Decne. (accepted name)
Arachne cordifolia (Decne.)
Actually it was ID earlier but missed from my mind.


EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Leptopus cordifolius from Uttarakhand_DSR_38 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Leptopus cordifolius Decne, earlier known as Arachne cordifolia/ Andrachne cordifolia is a common shrub in mid hills of Uttarakhand. Two forms of it, one with thicker leaves (as in pics) and one with thin leaves are usually seen.
Shot near Jeolikot, on way to Naini Tal.

Correct identification.


EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT::Leptopus cordifolius NS-10 : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This common shrub of the hills was encountered from Manali, Shimla, Chakrata, Morni Hills and many other places in HImalayas…
Leptopus cordifolius

Good photos Sir.


ANNOV02 Phyllanthaceae for ID : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (10)

Jhari Pani, Mussoorie
1st November 2014

Leptopus cordifolius ..

very nice complete details

Yes, Leptopus cordifolius.


HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Climber :: ARKDEC-13 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Requesting to please provide ID of this climber captured near Bhagsunag, Dharamshala, HP in October 2014.
Is it some Phyllanthus species? 

I think this is Leptopus cordifolius ma’am.

Thanks … for the ID…. Attaching a cropped pic of the flowers and fruits…..

Yes ma’am. Earlier identified for me on this thread

Shrub for ID ABAUG01/20 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
I know this shrub by its beautiful oval leaves. Today I found one in flower. Please help with the ID
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
17 August 2015 

Leptopus cordifolius.. Euphorbiaceae


Leptopus cordifolius Decne. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)- around 500 kb each.
Location:  Godawari, Nepal  
Date: 18 April 2018
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Habit: Wild


Leptopus cordifolius Decne. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal
Altitude: 1566 m.
Date: 04 June 2019
Habit : Wild


Identification required 2965: 3 high res. images.
Help me to identify this plant species from  jammu and kashmir.
Location: Bhaderwah jammu

Leptopus cordifolius Decne.



Leptopus cordifolius Decne.: 11 very high res. images.

Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 31 October 2023
Altitude : 1768m.

Habit : Wild
