India (I); Andhra Pradesh ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Maharashtra ; Mizoram ; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;
SEN-nuh — Latin form of Arabic word for a thorny bush … Dave’s Botanary
mul-tee-gland-yoo-LOH-suh — having many glands; referring to clavate glands between leaflets
commonly known as: buttercup bush, downy senna, glandular senna
Names compiled / updated at

Images by Dinesh Valke


DV :: 15NOV11 – 0515 :: Garden Senna at Ooty:
ID please.
This plant could be similar to what … has posted at https://groups.google.com/forum/indiantreepix/OtvQJ

Place: Resort at Ooty (~7250 ft asl), Tamil Nadu.
Time: November 15, 2011 at 5.15pm
Habit: large shrub
Habitat: garden flora.
Plant height: about 2 – 3 m
Flower size: about 25 mm across
Leaflets: sessile, apex pointed, 5 to 7 pairs, mostly 6 … clavate glands between each, and all pairs.
Requesting … to re-look at leaflets.
S. sulfurea at Flora of China, described to have clavate glands between each of lowest 2 pairs of leaflets leaflet apex obtusely rounded or inconspicuously emarginate,
Illustration of S. sulfurea shows petiolulate leaflets.

Yes Senna sulphurea

Am I correct? C. surattensis subsp. glauca is the synonym of Senna sulphurea

Was not comfortable with Senna sulfurea because of the non-conforming aspects that I pointed out with regards to the leaflets.

Leaflets in my posted plant: sessile, apex pointed, 5 to 7 pairs, mostly 6 … clavate glands between each, and all pairs.
In S. sulfurea at Flora of China, described to have clavate glands between each of lowest 2 pairs of leaflets leaflet apex obtusely rounded or inconspicuously emarginate,
Illustration of S. sulfurea shows petiolulate leaflets.
Thus after re-searching cultivated species of Cassia and Senna, have come across Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby
Photos: Wikimedia Commons, flickr
Description: PIER, Wikipedia
My strong feeling, my posted plant must be Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby.
Requesting you to reconsider.
Cassia surattensis subsp. glauca (Lam.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen is a synonym of Senna sulfurea (Collad.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby … The Plants List

I think you are right

Just for record, it must be mentioned that this species Senna multiglandulosa is the accepted name for species which was previously known under the name Cassia tomentosa. In fact there are two plants by that name: Cassia tomentosa L.f. and Cassia tomentosa Arn.
Cassia tomentosa L.f. is now correctly known as Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby: is a a tall shrub up to 4 m tall, branches tomenose, 6-8 pairs, oblong, up to 5 cm long, yellowish tomentose beneath; racemes shorter than leaves; flowers deep yellow; fruit thick flat, up to 12 cm long. This should be your plant.
Cassia tomentosa Arn. is now correctly known as Senna hirsuta (L.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby. It is a perennial herb up to; leaflets usually 3-5 pairs, with a gland at the base of petiole, none on rachis between the leaflets, ovate lanceolate, up to 7 cm long, acute or acuminate, hirsute; racemes short, axillary; flowers yellow; fruit linear, up to 15 cm long, hirsute.
Here is the key I have tried to construct to separate the closely related species:
1a. Gland at base of petiole, none between the leaflets; leaflets 3-5 pairs,  ovate lanceolate, hirsute; pod hirsute. 50-90 seeded …. Senna hirsuta
1b. Glands between pairs of leaflets, none on petiole; leaflets oblong pod glabrous ……. (2)
2a. Glands sessile, between all pairs of leaflets; leaflets 6-8 pairs, yellowish tomentose beneath …… Senna multiglandulosa
2b. Glands stalked, between lower two lowest pairs of leaflets; leaflets glabrous or white-farinose beneath …… (3)
3a. Leaflets 4-6 pairs; leaf 15-30 cm long, leaflets white-farinose (glaucous) beneath; pod 12-20 cm long, 20-30 seeded; stalk of pod 10-20 mm long …….. Senna sulfurea
3b. Leaflets 6-9 pairs; leaf 10-15 cm long, leaflets not glaucous beneath; pod 7-10 cm long, 20-25 seeded; stalk of pod 5-7 mm long ……. Senna surratensis

The key is fantastic help, … for separating the confusingly close species.
Many thanks for re-validating the ID too.

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Senna multiglandulosa at Ooty:

Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby
SEN-nuh — Latin form of Arabic word for a thorny bush
mul-tee-gland-yoo-LOH-suh — having many glands; referring to clavate glands between leaflets
Nov 15, 2011 … in resort garden, Ooty, Tamilnadu
commonly known as: buttercup bush, downy senna, glandular senna
Native to: Central and tropical South America; widely naturalized / cultivated
more views:Nov 15, 2011 … in resort garden, Ooty, Tamilnadu

Cassia for id 050110MK3:
Please id this Cassia sp. a small tree found planted as ornamental in Ooty houses.
Date: 03 Jan 2010

Possibily it is Cassia bi-flora.

Not Cassia biflora atleast

Not C.biflora

this might be cassia auriculata

This is certainly not C. auriculata.

The plant is turning out to be interesting and elusive with narrow thicker pubescent leaves. Foliar glands should help.

Looks like Cassia bahamensis, based on the leaves (origin South Asia). In the absence of details of flowers ( number of petals,stamens, fertile or infertile etc.) it is difficult to confirm.

As per my opinion..
may be Cassia surattensis Burm.f var glauca (Lam. ) K. & S. OR C.S. var. surattensis..
(Ref: YadavS.R. and M.M. Sardesai 2002. Flora of Kolhapur District. p.170 & 174)

Quite likely Cassia bahamensis ?

Cassia sophera

Not Cassia sophera for sure.

very difficult, but also can be checked with Cassia surattensis, now may be changed to Senna surattensis

Leaves with 4-6 pairs of leaflets, leaflets farinose beneath and young shoots hairy, pod with more than 20 seeds, longer, stalk of pod 10-20 mm all point to Senna sulphurea (syn: Cassia glauca).

Concluding … posted plant to be Senna multiglandulosa … discussed at efi thread


Cassia/Senna for identification 311012MK01:
Please help me to identify this Cassia sp. The shrub grown near a garbage site and it was up to 2-3 metres in height.

Leaf: up to 15cm long; leaflets upto 8 pairs
Flower: 2.5-3 cm
Pods: 20cm long; slightly hairy
Date: 09 Sep 2011
Place: Ooty, Nilgiris, TN

I think this is Senna siamea

It comes close to Senna bicapsularis, but more details (on glands, stamens etc) required to confirm.
Its not S. siamea for sure.


Names of Plants in India :: Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby:
Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

 — Latin form of Arabic word for a thorny bush … Dave’s Botanary
mul-tee-gland-yoo-LOH-suh — having many glands; referring to clavate glands between leafletscommonly known as: buttercup bush, downy senna, glandular sennabotanical namesSenna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby … homotypic synonymsCassia multiglandulosa Jacq. … and heterotypic synonyms listed at POWO, retrieved 20 August 2024

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
buttercup bush, downy senna, glandular senna
exotic (ornamental), known to be introduced in: *Karnataka, *Mizoram, *Tamil Nadu, *Uttar Pradesh, *Uttarakhand, *West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ Created on: 17:01 20-08-2024 ¦ Last updated: 10:16 21-08-2024 ~~~~~

