Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3: 615 1789. (Syn: Alsine apetala Kit. ex Nyman; Alsine avicularum Lam.; Alsine barbata Stokes; Alsine bipartita Gilib. [Invalid]; Alsine brachypetala Opiz; Alsine elongata Jord. & Fourr.; Alsine glabella Jord. & Fourr.; Alsine glabella Jord. & Fourr.; Alsine gussonii Jord. & Fourr.; Alsine media L.; Alsine media (L.) Druce [Illegitimate]; Alsine media var. transiens (Bég.) Tzvelev; Alsine repens Vell.; Alsine vulgaris Moench; Alsinella wallichiana Sw.; Arenaria vulgaris Bernh.; Holosteum alsine Sw. (Unresolved); Stellaria apetala Ucria ex Roem.; Stellaria media (L.) J.C. Sowerby & Sm.; Stellaria media (L.) Cirillo …; Stellaria vulgaris Raunk.; Stellaria glabra Raunk.; Stellaria hiemalis Raunk.; Stellaria media f. malachioides Macloskie; Stellaria media var. normalis Speg.; Stellaria monogyna D. Don); . . commonly known as: adder’s mouth, chick wittles, chickweed, passerina, satin-flower, starweed, starwort, stitchwort • Finnish: pihatähtimö, vesiheinä • French: morgéline, mouron des oiseaux, stellaire intermédiaire • German: sternmiere, vogelmiere • Hindi: बुच बुचा buch-bucha • Japanese: hakobe, kohakobe • Manipuri: যেৰুম কৈৰুম yerum keirum • Portuguese (in Brazil): alsine, esparguta, mastruço-do-brejo, morrião-branco, morrião-de-inverno, morrião-dos-passarinhos • Portuguese: morugem • Spanish: bocado de gallina, borrisol, morrons, pamplina, pararera, picagallina, quilloi quilloi, revola, yerba gallinera • Swedish: natagräs, våtnarv ; . Annual, semi-erect herb. Stem trailing along the ground. Leaves petioled, opposite, ovate, acute, 1.5-10 cm, thin, glabrous, lower leaves long-stalked. Flowerswhite, nearly 1 cm in diameter, in leafy, axillary or terminal clusters. Sepals 4 or 5, enlarged in fruit, sticky, lanceolate, free to the base. Petals as many as sepals, deeply bilobed. Stamens 3-10. Styles 3. Capsule ovoid. Seedsmany, brown, rough. . Native to: Europe, n Africa, temperate Asia; widely naturalized . Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench (=Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. can be easily overlooked among the population of Stellaria media (L.) Villars, as both have minute white flowers with 5 deeply bipartite petals. To distinguish them one needs a hand lens to count styles; 3 in S. media and 5 in M. aquaticum. Additionally, capsules are 6-valved with entire apices in S. media but M.aquaticum has 5 valves in capsule with lobes bifid at apices. Capsules are broader and larger in M. aquaticum but with smaller seeds. . Appears to be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein . Al041712: Another one of those tiny flowers from Chamera Dam for id… Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 1200 mts Habit Herb Habitat wild Height 12 inches Season April This looks like Stellaria media, a common sight here, this is a nearby guess, the flowers in Stellaria are tiny, with white, bilobed petals…. look for opened flowers nearby to confirm the identity…– Yes Stellaria media Thank you … maybe the season for this flowering was finished at that altitude… as with Roylea cinerea, which was also at the same place… however I did check Stellaria at higher altitudes and of course my ignorance shines through… it is as you said… 🙁 A LOT to learn and remember as yet… . . Requesting id 28042012 ASP 03 J & K: Here is photos of flowering plant from Srinagar, J & K, photographed during third week of March. Requesting id. . Requesting id 28042012 ASP 03 J & K: plant id please…place-ambala cantt…habitat-garden: Please help me to identify this flower.. Place-Ambala Cantt Month-Jan Habitat-Garden Height-About 5 cm This is Stellaria media, Caryophyllaceae a very common weed of the wet places. Yes Stellaria media Stellaria media from Panipat: This one is another common winter weed (Chickweed) from Caryophyllaceae, photographed from I.B. College Panipat, in January 2012 Nice pictures with detailed description. Thanks for sharing the same. Would you please upload a picture showing the habit of the plant, if you have one. Yes … Another very common weed. Caryophyllaceae Week :: DV :: 17 NOV 11 – 1132 :: Stellaria ¿ species ? at Ooty: Stellaria ¿ species ? ID please. Habit: … small erect herb, guessing it to be about 50 – 70 cm high; flower about 5 – 7 mm across Habitat: … garden of a holiday resort Altitude: … about 7300 ft asl at Ooty on 17 NOV 11 Caryophyllaceae Week: Stellaria media from Panipat: This was shot from my college campus in March 2012…Stellaria media… Yes … Very good photographs yes. very nice. chick weed. Caryophyllaceae Week: Stellaria media from Delhi & Kashmir: Stellaria media, the common weed of gardens and shaded places. Photographed from Delhi and Kashmir. Flora from Srinagar 22072013 CS1 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. A small weed with white flowers growing on roadsides in Srinagar Stellaria media Looks like some Chickweed.. Could this be Stellaria media .. Thank you … and … for the ID. The wiki page link Requesting ID/ABDEC18 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1750m 6 December 2014 Within a couple of weeks it will start producing tiny white flowers. If so it is Stellaria media (Caryophyllaceae). You are absolutely correct in identifying the plant as Stellaria media Stellaria media– Chickweed, Badyalu ghas– Before flowering, the herb is used as a delicious vegetable sag. Herb?/ABMAR07 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) If I am not mistaken this plant is the same I posted in December (ABDEC18). Please advise. Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1750m 4 March 2015 Yes you are right …, identified by … chick weed Yellow flowers/ABMAR37 : 3 posts by 3 authors. There was much today that was new to me and these yellow flowers were also next to a leaking water supply. Please advise. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m approx. 31 March 2015 2816 is Stellaria media (Caryophyllaceae). agree with … Stellaria media ABMAR01/06 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 5 images. This low herbaceous plant is quite common now-a-days. I do not know if locals use it as food but I believe it is quite nutritious. Here are some photographs. Stellaria media—Chickweed Mcleodganj and above, 1750m 29 Feb, 03 March 2016 great food in spring as salad. by the way nice pics Seeing the pictures through your lens is an altogether different experience. Weed with tiny white flowers seen on 24th Apr. Pl. post close up of the flower also. Stellaria media. Your sharp eyes could identify the tiny flowers. Amazing! Herb from Ooty for id 160211MK3: Please help to id this trailing herb. Photographed on a private garden floor at Ooty, Nilgiris. Date/Time- 24-01-2011 / 11:10 AM Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.2200asl; Ooty, TN Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- garden floor Plant Habit-herb Height/Length- 15 cm long Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.3 x 2 cm; Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- c. 0.3 cm across – Arenaria was my first reaction also, but the basic difference between Arenaria and Stellaria is that the petals of Arenaria are entire (and one would see only 5), and deeply bi-lobed in Stellaria (giving the appearance of 10). One can clearly see 8-10 in your photographs. – Now I could confirm this plant with deeply lobed petals as Stellaria media (L.) Vill. of Caryophyllaceae.
Caryophyllaceae Week: Stellaria media (L.) Vill.: Name: Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Family: Caryophyllaceae English name: Star Chickweed, Common Chickweed Date taken: 24 Jan 2011 Location: a private garden in Ooty, Nilgiris, TN Altitude: 2200 m asl SK1836 07 April 2019 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (10)- around 650 kb each. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu likely, yes Yes, right.. Yes…right
. Drymaria cordata ! Leaf venation looks parallel in Drymaria cordata, where it’s reticulate in the image. Could this be Stellaria media? I too agree with … . Stellaria media: 2 high res. images. Local name: koku here in Rajouri, j and k Habit: Herb Yes common chickweed. . 455 ID wild plant: 11 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Kangan Jammu & Kashmir INDIA Altitude: 8100fsl Flower date: 13APR2023, 10.35am Habitat: wild moisture wayside Plant habit: spreading herb, branches, weak purplish hairy cylindrical stem, annual Height: 08cm Leaves: opposite elliptic acute soft flexible velvety size:02×1cm Flower: axillary buds, 05 bi-petals, diameter:04.5mm, white, non fragrant Fruit: Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Stellaria media – chick weed. Yes, it is Stellaria media, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant . Id assistance for Darjeeling Caryophyllaceae: 2 high res. images. Locality: Darjeeling to Lebong Date: 13/09/2013 Altitude: 2050 m Stellaria wallichiana Haines ?? its stellaria media …. Looks like Stellaria media. . References: |
Stellaria media
Updated on December 24, 2024