Euphrasia himalayica Wettst., Monogr. Euphrasia 180 1896. (syn: Euphrasia kurramensis Pennell; Euphrasia multiflora Pennell);
Pakistan (Hazara, Kurram), N-India, Jammu & Kashmir, Nepal as per Catalogue of life;
Common name: Eyebright • Ladakhi: ཀངཅུཀ་ Kangchuk

SK 3071 23 October 2021: 7 very high res. images.
Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude: 2900m.
Date: 19 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Euphrasia himalayica Wettst. ??

I think Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell as per comparative images at Euphrasia
Keys between the two will help further.

Not sure. Most of them looks similar. By the Way platyphylla is not listed in Book of Karnali Province!

Can you post the keys?

Did not find keys !

May be found in Flora of Bhutan.

Both sp. keys are not there !

Flora of Bhutan gives three species, all of which are not found in Nepal:
Euphrasia bhutanica Pugsley
Euphrasia chumbica R.R.Mill
Euphrasia melanosticta R.R.Mill

Details/ keys also not available in IBIS Flora, Flora of Pakistan or Flora of China and BSI Flora of India.

Yes …, I tried too.

Keys are available in Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- E. paucifolia, platyphylla, jaeschkei, incisa, schlagintweitii, kurramensis, multiflora, secundiflora, laxa, kashmiriana, alba, microcarpa, foliosa, himalayica, remota, aristulata, densiflora, flabelatta)

With these keys (glandular hairy) and distribution in the book and POWO– specimen, we should take it as Euphrasia himalayica Wettst.
POWO specimen is different for Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell (and mostly without glandular hairs as per keys).



Euphrasia himalayica ABSEP2016/16 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Please validate.
Euphrasia himalayicaEyebright
Above Ilaqa, HP 3200m 03-04 September 2016

efi page on Euphrasia himalayica  

Euphrasia —Eyebright is correct if himalayica i don’t know.

Thank you … It seems to match images of E. himalayica on FOI here.


Scrophulariaceae herb? : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Ascending herb with orbicular deeply serrate leaf from Badrinath area.

Euphrasia sp.

Pl. check with species at Euphrasia (as pointed out be …).

I think appears close to images at Euphrasia himalayica

I agree with … I saw them flowering well on our higher slopes in August. Here are some photos from my last year’s post.

VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1216 :: Euphrasia platyphylla at Valley of Flowers:
Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell … (family: Orobanchaceae)

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11000 – 12000 ft

I think yes

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021


VOF Week: Euphrasia platyphylla from the Valley:
This beautiful herb was shot from the valley on August 14, 2012. This one is Euphrasia platyphylla……

Very good upload of a member from Scrophulariaceae. That petal shape is unique.

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021


VoF Week : Euphrasia platyphylla:
Euphrasia platyphylla of Scrophulariaceae family
Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttarakhand
14th Aug., 2012

I think yes
Good photograph.

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021


VoF Week: Euphrasia platyphylla from Valley:
Euphrasia platyphylla from Valley

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021

This tiny beauty was recorded from Valley of Flowers, on August 14, 2012..
I hope the id is correct and this is Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell…
This is now placed under Orobanchaceae, formerly in Scrophulariaceae

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021

Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb49 for Id- JM : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.)

Euphrasia himalayica

Euphrasia himalayica Wettst., Monogr. Euphrasia 180, t. 4, f. 291-295 (1896)

I think more closer to images at Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell rather than those at Euphrasia himalayica Wettst.

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021

VoF Week : Impatiens devendrae (slight variation or different species):
Name of species : Impatiens devendrae

Family : Balsaminaceae
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Hill slope, open forest
Date of click : 14th Aug`12
Location: Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttarakhand .
Abundance : Single sighting.

This is not Impatiens…rather Euphrasia officinalis…have you attached a wrong picture … ?

I am sorry … It was my mistake that I went for saying it I. devendrae because it looked similar. I cant find any ref of Euphrasia officinalis on The plant list, FoI , Vof Book, Consise flora of Himalayas book. Sir, do you have a link to cite the species. I can see Euphrasia himalayica (on FoI & in concise flowers of Himalaya book) is that the same?

I have similar sighting; thought it could be Euphrasia platyphylla as per K R Keshava Murthy’s VoF book.
Could these E. officinalis and E. platyphylla be close species ?

E. officinalis is not an Indian species, and is not found in the Himalayas. The description and picture of Euphrasia himalayica seems to agree well with the plant found in the Valley of Flowers. Don’t know about E. platyphylla, so cannot comment. However, Euphrasia is a notoriously difficult genus.

Yes multiple species described because of apomictic nature like Taraxacum. The species are difficult to distinguish unless closeups with hairs are shown. In E. himalayica the leaves and bracts are mostly fallen by anthesis. Also yellow corolla throat and reddish lines on upper lip suggest E. platyphylla.

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021

Requested to please provide ID of this plant seen at many places en route Ghangaria from Govindghat, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Are they Euphrasia platyphylla?

Efi page available at

To me also appear close to images at Euphrasia platyphylla Pennell

Taking it as Euphrasia himalayica, as per discussions at SK 3071 23 October 2021


Id Euphrasia species: 1 high res. image.
please have a look at the attached images of Euphrasia, it seems E. platyphylla for me, because of the broad leaf; short petiole, rounded base, and lobed margins. Attaching more images in the comment section.

Captured- Rudranath UK. Alt. 3200m approx.
June 2022

What are the species reported from your area?
This is important as this genus is very area specific (with minor differences between different species) as per Pennell.

as per the checklist of Plants of KWLS there are 2 species reported from the area E. himalayica and E. platyphyllaattaching one more Image.
1 very high res. image

Thanks, we should take it as Euphrasia himalayica Wettst., as per images and details herein and as per keys in  Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943)



Catalogue of life  The Plant List  Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  GBIF (Specimens)  Gbif High resolution image 1  Gbif High resolution image 2