Mammillaria geminispina Haw., Philos. Mag. J. 63: 42 42 1824.;



Mammillaria geminispina I believe!!




Mammillaria geminispina from Cactus Garden Panchkula: Mammillaria geminispina Haw., Philos. Mag. J. 63: 42 42 1824.
Plants with clustered stems up to 20 cm long and 8 cm thick covered with white wool, with tubercles arranged in spirals with needle-shaped 16-20 radial white spines up to 6 mm long and 2-4 central stouter brown-tipped up to 4 cm long spines; flowers carmine, up to 2 cm long. 
Native of Central Maxico 
Photographed from Cactus Garden, Panchkula on April 9, 2011

These are lovely, .., the small  mauve-pink to deep red flowers  sometimes look as if somebody stuck them on… but isn’t it beautiful… they last a long time… as houseplants… 

